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Model review - this mode is used for checking if all pieces and their parameters (set, area, overall dimensions) used in a layout are available. After point Models of the main menu is selected, a drop down menu is displayed on the screen. In this drop down menu, models can be viewed by scale, name, or in a general list. After points By scale and By name are selected, a submenu is displayed on the screen. Such sub menus allow to sort the list of models accordingly:

  • by scale

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  • by name

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List of models

After selecting Models-General list, a new window Models is displayed on the screen; this window allows to view all models and their parameters, stored in the database:

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A fast search box can be used to select a required model: upon consecutive typing of code model symbols in this field, blue selection market is automatically set on a model with the same code, closest in the list.

Piece viev

When viewing the list of pieces, every time a selected piece in the list is clicked with the left mouse button, piece view is displayed in the top right corner of the window; there all possible and most frequently used piece elements are shown:

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Viewing piece

Parameters of a model selected for viewing can be seen in the top section of the window Model:

– scale;

– name of assortment;

– name of the constructor;

– piece readiness for layout (when working with a model in the workstation "Constructor", the constructor determines how ready a model is for layout).

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To view parameters of a specific piece, select required positions (click them with a left mouse button) in the lists Models-Objects (model selection), Size-Height-Corpulence (it is possible to sort size, height, and corpulence in ascending or descending order), Material (selection of a required material) and Piece name.

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The list of pieces displays information about the number of cut details, area, overall dimensions (distance between extreme points for length and width of a piece).


It is possible to display a floating menu by clicking the right mouse button on the line of a particular layout

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The window with parameters of a selected layout is displayed on the screen when the option Layout parameters is selected

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In this window layout parameters can be viewed and changed.

Do not draw notches

Parameter «Do not draw notches» can be set by the constructor for pieces, for which notches should not be drawn when layouts are sent for drafting, but notches should remain in the constructor's program.

Do not pair pieces

Parameter «Do not pair» can be set by the constructor for pieces, which should not form a pair in a layout (symmetrical or non-symmetrical rotation of pair pieces in a layout).

Do not pair En marker embim10.png Pair En marker embim11.png

Reverse display of couple of symmetrical pieces

Parameter «Reverse display of couple of symmetrical pieces» can be set by the constructor for pieces, which will be paired vertically, instead of horizontally. This is useful when layout is for a fabric with non-symmetrical piece, but the details must have symmetry.

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Notches on blanks

Parameter «Make notches on blanks» can be set by the constructor for pieces with allowance for blanks, where notches must be drafted..

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Blanks by length, width

Parameter «Blank by length» can be set by the constructor for pieces, where fabric shrinkage while manufacturing along piece grain line must be accounted for, «Blank by width» - across the piece grain line.

Title option

Parameter «Title option» - structured composition of the piece signature: what piece parameters in which order will be output when pieces are printed in the program “Constructor”: Model code, Item name, Piece name, number of details, material, size, date, constructor's last name, etc.

00 Option

Parameter «00 Option» shows an option of piece design variant as set by the constructor. It is often necessary to create several options of the same piece. For example, for trousers - two waistband options: with grain line along the waistband (for fabrics with checked or striped pattern) and across it (for solid fabrics). The constructor sets piece design option 1 for one waistband, piece design option 2 for the other. For all other pieces (common for both options) piece design option 0 is set as default in the constructor's program. This means, they will be used in all options.

Reference piece

Parameter «Reference piece» shows a reference of the current piece to another model (in other words, the current piece in the workstation of the program Constructor is copied from another model). This is mainly used for uniform pieces, when piece of the basic model is used in other models.

Parameters-information about a piece

After a piece is highlighted in the list with blue, click the right mouse button to display drop-down menu

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Detailed information about a piece - displays piece parameters described above, as they were set by the constructor, as well as set the growing value for a piece, with an option to select fabric pattern type.

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When fabric pattern type is selected, it is possible to set the value for growing pieces on account of pattern repeat distance. Growth value is set for the selected piece of all size-heights. Set pattern repeat distance Having set pattern repeat distance press En marker embim17.png. The button En marker embim18.png clears previously set growth value.

Window Piece parameters is also displayed with the help of the button En marker embim19.png , located at the bottom of the window Models.


The function En marker embim20.pngallows to set binding to the fabric pattern for a selected piece in all sizes and heights. After necessary information is selected, the window Set points of binding is displayed. This window has two binding modes: by piece and by fabric pattern.

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The same function is listed in the drop-down menu Set points of binding at clicking the right mouse button on a piece in the window Piece name.

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Binding to pieces, to fabric pattern

Mode To pieces allows to set points by which binding of pieces with a fabric print will be formed in a layout for all sizes. To set points, select the mode To pieces and specify required points with a left mouse click, these points become highlighted in blue.

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Confirm the selection by pressing ready, leave without changes by pressing Cancel. After this, when you create fabric pattern binding between pieces in a layout, you will see on a piece only previously selected points when you choose the function Binding by selected points.

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Mode of binding To fabric pattern allows to set binding of pieces with the fabric pattern, by which layout will be performed in future. To set such binding, select the mode To fabric pattern. Then select a point for binding to the fabric pattern by clicking the left mouse button, the following window will be displayed:

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In the window for setting parameters of binding point, binding can be set by length, width, and by length and width simultaneously. It is also possible to set binding of a point to the beginning or middle of the fabric pattern. Binding is set by pressing the button Ready, the button Delete removes an already created binding, Cancel - exits the window without binding to the fabric pattern.

A point with a binding set to a fabric pattern is highlighted with blue color by different symbols, depending on the fabric pattern selection.

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Delete all

Select the function Delete all to remove all binding points set on a piece, by which binding of pieces to a fabric pattern will be set in a layout in future.


Basic type of piece output is the parameter, which permits using the basic, most frequently used program functions when creating a layout. Basic type of piece output

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To show visibility of notches on a piece, select the function En marker embim29.png, notches will be displayed as green diamonds, binding is possible only to them.

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To show visibility of intermediate graded points on a piece, select the function En marker embim31.png, intermediate points will be displayed as black squares. Binding can be set only by them.

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To show visibility of inner contours and sights on a piece, select the function En marker embim33.png, all inner contours on a piece will be marked by black lines.

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The function Scale allows to sort pieces by size, height, corpulence. If a cursor is set on a required size, the window on the right displays a view of a piece in selected size-height. It is possible to switch from size to size in the Scale window with the help of the arrow keys up-down on a keyboard.

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With one piece

The function With one piece allows to set binding pointsfor one size of the piece, if necessary. To do so, select a required size in the Scale window, then mark the window With one piece and perform all actions for binding to a point.To pieces, to fabric pattern

Show all

The program has several scaling options for the overlay panel.

If layout length exceeds screen size — click the button Show all En marker embim558.png. Scale of the overlay panel will change in such a way, that the entire layout fits the screen.

Scaling of separate areas. To zoom in to a particular area on a layout move the mouse cursor to a required spot and move the mouse cursor while holding down the right mouse button. A selection box will appear on the screen, it can be enlarged/made smaller without releasing the mouse button. When the box is of required size, release the mouse button. Layout area inside the box will be enlarged up to overlay panel size. Scroll of the scaling line will move up En marker embim559.png. To return to initial scale, do the following: either hold down (click and hold the left mouse button) the scroll and drag it down, or press the <F2> key - zoom out (<F3> - zoom in ).

To view the entire layout in enlarged scale, use the scroll lines, located to the right and at the bottom of the overlay panel. To view the layout area, beyond screen borders, it is also possible to use movement of an active piece. To do so, move an active piece and press it to the right (let) border of the visible layout portion.

If you try using a piece with an increased scale on the overlay panel, the program will display a warning “Piece cannot be placed”. In this case, decrease the scale of an overlay.

If necessary, zoom in to a particular spot on the piece panel the same way as on the overlay panel. In case zoom was used on both panels, the first click on the button En marker embim560.pngrestores the piece panel to its initial scale, the second click - the overlay panel.


To view operations protocol for a layout, click the button Created... En marker embim167.png, the window will be displayed, it will contain dates when the layout was saved.

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When the option All operations is selected, all stages of operations with a given layout are displayed.

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If a model, for which the current layout is created, was made by the constructor in several options, the user can select a required option for each layout set in the drop down list of the window Option. 00 Option

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Model description

Pressing the button En marker embim40.png displays a window, where a model description made by the constructor can be viewed.

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Exit the window by pressing Ok.

Printing area

A standardizer has to calculate usage norm per item by model as well as by type of material. Such calculations require information about area of item pieces. The function Printing area is used in this case.

To view and print information about area of piece sets in every material and all materials together click the button Print area. The window Selection of material type will be displayed on the scree, in this window required materials can be selected.

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Use the button Selection to mark the entire list of materials of a given model to view area of sets, or to cancel selection. Selection of one required material can be done by marking it in the list with the left mouse button.

Then click the button Print to send the report to a printer, or press the button View - window of preliminary view will be displayed.

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The top of the window contains a number of commands:

En marker embim44.png Changing document scale to view on the screen.

En marker embim45.png The report is sent to printer with the help of the command «Print».

En marker embim46.png Close the window «Set area».

Delete layouts

The function Delete layouts is used to remove all layouts of a selected model. Select the model in the list and press the button En marker embim47.png. Thefollowing window will be displayed

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If you wish to delete layouts, press the button Yes, if not - press the button No. After layouts are deleted, the following window is displayed on the screen.

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If a model does not have layouts, the button Delete layouts is inactive.


To exit the program use the menu Exit of the main program menu.

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