Marker:Piece panel
The program has two types of piece output - Basic and Special. Depending on the parameter, which was selected when the layout was created - Basic or Special, piece panel will differ in appearance and have different capabilities.
Basic type of piece output
In this mode, all pieces selected for a layout are displayed on the piece panel, each set is colored in a separate color. Each piece is displayed on account of number of cut details.
Piece panel for Basic output type.
It is possible to perform the following actions from the piece panel:
Use piece to place in overlay. There are several options for selecting pieces to overlay.
1. Set the mouse cursor on a piece (name, size-height of this piece will be displayed to the right of the scroll line) and click the left mouse button. The piece will be displayed in an overlay as a contour with clear filling, where it needs to be fixed in a required spot of an overlay. If an option is switched off, contour of the used piece will remain on the piece panel.
2. Place the mouse cursor over a piece, press the left mouse button and, without releasing the mouse button, move the cursor towards an overlay. Grey line will follow the cursor. Having stretched out this line, release the mouse button - the piece will be automatically placed on an available space in an overlay, and the cursor will remain on the piece panel. By using this option, it is possible to place pieces to an overlay directly from the piece panel. Contingence mode
3. Press the <Space> key on the keyboard — current top left piece will move to an overlay, where it needs to be fixed in a required area.
When placing piece to an overlay, you can use all three options of piece selection.
Use piece as non-standard
The function Use piece as non-standard allows cutting a piece and setting various types of growing blanks directly in the layout window.
Cut piece
To cut an active piece on the overlay panel, click the right mouse button and select the command Cut piece in the floating menu — the window Cutting piece will be displayed on the screen, operations in this window are described in the section “Piece panel”. Cut piece
ATTENTION! The first piece placed to an overlay cannot be cut. The function of cutting an active piece on the overlay panel can be used for the second placed and following pieces.
Set pattern repeat distance
To form a piece blank on account of pattern repeat distance open the option Use piece as non-standard with the right mouse button from the floating menu. If pattern repeat distance is set for pieces on canvas without pattern, the following window will be displayed
This window has two modes of setting the pattern repeat distance: basic and extended.
The Basic: using panels Pattern repeat distance by length and Pattern repeat distance by width, set corresponding growing values for a piece in length and width. Standard values of pattern repeat distance in blanks are selected in settings of the program Server JULIVI, in the window Layout-Tables in centimeters and in portions of pattern repeat distance. If a required value is not included in the standard switches on the screen, it is possible to use an option for arbitrary selection. Select «Arbitrary» - the window «Patter repeat distance to the side» becomes activated, it allows entering allowance growing value for a piece by using the keyboard.
Switches On the left, On the right, From top, From bottom allow omitting growing a piece on one of the sides.
Select a required blank type: Standard — growing is performed along a piece contour, Rectangular — depending on a piece contour and pattern repeat distance value, rectangular blank is created.
If it is necessary to set a smaller growing value for one of the sides, use the mode Extended.
This tab allows changing growing value on one of the sides of a piece.
By selecting an option you can set growing of a particular piece for all sets of a layout.
Having selected required parameters, press the button Ready. An overlay will display a piece contour on account of pattern repeat distance and blank type.
When an option Show pieces in blanks is selected in the settings of the program Server JULIVI in the window Layout- Options, piece contour will be displayed inside a blank.
If you need to remove Extended pattern repeat distance. Select the function Use piece as non-standard, tab Extended is selected in the displayed window Piece parameters, clear the growing value by selecting Clear all. When the function is selected, you can set growing value for a layout, but this piece will be drafted on a plotter without a blank.
When setting pattern repeat distance for cloth with pattern, the following window is displayed
In this case growing value of a piece can be set taking into account fabric pattern.
Blanks can also be deleted with the help of the command Del-Clear pattern repeat distance in a drop down menu on the piece panel (given that a piece with a set blank is located on the piece panel).
Pattern repeat distance for a group
If several pieces of a set must be sent to an overlay with the same pattern repeat distance, they must first be joined in a group. To do so, place the mouse cursor on the piece panel and drag the cursor across the screen while holding down the right mouse button. Rectangular box will be displayed on the screen. All pieces, fully captured by the box, will be joined in a group. Filing of such pieces changes from solid to check.
A piece can be added to or removed from a group by placing the mouse cursor over a piece and clicking <Enter> on the keyboard. This can also be done by placing the mouse cursor over a required piece and clicking the right mouse button. Select the command Delete from group or Add to group from the floating menu.
After all required pieces are joined in a group, pattern repeat distance value must be set for this group. To do so, click the right mouse button on any of the pieces in the group and select the command Set pattern repeat distance for group in the floating menu. The window Piece parameters will be displayed on the screen, required pattern repeat distance can be set in this window.
To save this information, press the button . The button
exits the function without saving changes.
Use with grading
The function Use piece with grading allows using several copies of one piece in the layout panel , leaving others in accordance with specification, if necessary.
Piece information
To display information about a piece of a set, place the mouse cursor over a piece and click the right mouse button.
Select the point Piece information in the floating menu, the window with the same name will be displayed. This window contains the basic piece parameters:
Viewing scale
It is possible to change viewing scale of pieces on the piece panel. To zoom in to a specific area, move the mouse cursor to a required place and click the right mouse button. Move the mouse cursor without releasing the button. Selection box will be displayed on the screen, it can be enlarged/made smaller, without releasing the mouse button. When you select suitable size of the selection box, release the mouse button - selected area, limited by a rectangle, will be enlarged. To zoom out, use the buttons for changing scale on the control panel.
To change the number of sets, place the mouse cursor in any area of the piece panel and click the right mouse button.
Select the point Sets in the displayed floating menu, the window with the same name will be displayed. In this window you can add, delete sets of particular models, change their number without exiting the layout window.
1. If you need to change the size-height of a current set, first select the required set by clicking it with the left mouse button, then specify a new size-height of a set in the displayed list. If necessary, change the number of sets and performing option.
2. To add a new set, select command Add. If sets of different models are added to a layout, first select any set of the model, to which the new set is being added. Set size-height and number for the new set.
3. To delete a set of pieces, highlight it with a blue marker and click the button Delete.
4. Press the button Normal after changes. The program will display the following message
If Copy is selected, the current layout will not be changed, and the second layout will be created with made changes. If Do not copy is selected, all changes will be made to the current layout.
If pieces were placed on the overlay panel, they will be automatically rearranged according to the new composition. The function can be canceled by selecting the command .
Add another model
The program has an option to add a set of any model from the database to a layout. To do so, select the command . The window Add set of another model to layout will be displayed on the screen.
Here required information must be selected in the windows Models/Objects, Canvas and Size/Height, same as when creating a new layout. When all information is set, press the button to enter this information to the current layout. The button
closes the window without saving changes.
Set matching
Sets are placed to an overlay in the order, in which they were selected in the window Selecting number of sets. Sometimes this order may need to be changed. The function can be used to do so. When it is selected, the window Sets matching is displayed on the screen.
This shows the current matching of layout sets before and after changes. If this order must be changed for some sets, they must be selected with a click of the left mouse button on the button and moved to top windows for replacement. Then the first matching pair of sets must be selected in these windows.
Corresponding sets can be returned to the bottom window by using . When new matching of sets will be set, press the button
To exit the window without saving changes, use the button .
Special type of piece output
If a layout is set in the mode Special, the piece panel will look as follows:
Piece panel with Special type of output.
The following actions can be performed from the piece panel:
Use piece for placing to overlay. Move the cursor to the piece «label», the cursor view changes to , click once with the left mouse button, piece contour will be displayed in an overlay. When piece is placed to an overlay, the «label» of this piece will change.
One of the basic piece parameters is the number of cut details. On the piece panel, number of details for each certain piece is displayed to the left of the piece «label». «Label» shows which portion of piece details is already placed on an overlay. For example, if a set contains one piece, the «label» value will change to 1.00 after such a piece is placed to an overlay. In most cases, pieces have two cut details. In this case, the «label» value will change by 0.50 every time a piece is used. View information about a set. To do so, place a cursor in the field Size-height of a set, the cursor view changes to , click once with the left mouse button. The window Information about set will be displayed:
Current — the field shows which portion of general set area is placed in an overlay.
Set — the field is used to change the number of sets in a layout. To increase the number, click the top button, to decrease the number - the lower button.
Further the list of all pieces in a set is displayed. Pieces, cut details of which are not all placed to a layout, are highlighted with red. The number next to each piece corresponds with the «label» value of a piece on the piece panel.
To close the window Information about set click the button Ready.
Use piece as non-standard, in other words, cut a piece or set a blank. Move the mouse cursor to a piece the piece «label» and click the right mouse button. The window Piece parameters will be displayed. Operations in this window are similar to operations with the Basic piece output type (attention: inspection of composition is performed in this mode by the user, not by the program). Use piece as non-standard