Design:Special features of operations
Work features
· Nonlinear values (coefficients, proportions, parts) need to be enclosed in square brackets when filling in initial data () and inputting expressions when executing all commands of the program
· Quotation marks must not be used in the names of size bases or projects
· The functions of Deformation (the “Line” tab) and Modeling (the “Modifications” tab) should be performed before the “Assemble outline” operation; otherwise, changes in the drawing will not be transferred to the outline. This allows performing further operations for constructing supplementary pieces after constructing body pieces and assembling outlines, and then body patters as well.
· In order to input an expression with algebraic and trigonometric functions, use the following letter combinations based on the principle А = function (В)
Sine (in radians) – SIN Sine (in degrees) – SIND
Cosine (in radians) – COS Cosine (in degrees) – COSD
Tangent (in radians) – ТАN Tangent (in degrees) – ТАND
Arcsine (in radians) – АSIN Arcsine (in degrees) – АSIND
Arccosine (in radians) – АCOS Arccosine (in degrees) – АCOSD
Arctangent (in radians) – АТАN Arctangent (in degrees) – АТАND
Absolute value (modulus) – АВS Root - SQRT
Obtaining remainder in division – MOD Power - РОW
Obtaining the integral part of a number (rejection of the fraction) – INTEGER
For example, in order to construct the parameter of the cap height in the initial data, based on the ЕМКО СЭВ method, when inputting variables instead of the Sleeve cap height (SCH) parameter formula
you can input the expression: [0.885]*LSC*SQRT(0.25 /1-( WSC / LSC)*( WSC / LSC)),
The expression (WSC/LSC)*(WSC/LSC) can be replaced with the expression with power РОW (WSC/LSC,2)
· In order to divide or multiply by linear values, they need to be transformed into nonlinear values (by dividing by one, i.e. converting to coefficients, etc.).
For example, when constructing based on ЦНИИШП methodology:
in order to calculate the Length of the scye using the formula LSU = LSC / (1+N), you should enter (1+ N)/1 instead of (1+ N)
where LSC if the Length of the sleeve cap, 1cm is a linear value, N is the fit rate per 1cm of the scye, for example, 0.07, i.e. a linear value
Similarly, for constructions based on ЕМКО СЭВ methodology:
а) The fit on the sleeve cap on the scye: FSC = LSU * N,
N =0.07 is the fit rate per 1cm of the scye (it was input in the Initial Data table in the Tolerances and Constants tab);
LSU is the Length of the scye;
This formula needs to be input in the project as follows: LSU * (N / 1)
b) The length of the sleeve cap: LSC = LSU * (1+ N)
This formula needs to be input in the project as follows: LSU * (1+ N) / 1
· Variations of recording expressions with a cosine or sine:
You can enter the angle value in square brackets in the initial data table. For example: Input the denomination A whose value is recorded equal to [45], then input the expression COSD(А)*1 in the project. Here, multiplication by 1 is required to convert the result into linear values.
Option 2: Record the angle in the project at once, then, the expression will be: [COSD(45/1)]*1
· If you specify two Ready View outlines in succession when assembling a piece using outlines, the first specified outline will be the Ready View outline, while the second one will be the Inner outline in the piece.
For example, there is a piece of the Front and a piece of a Pocket on the front which is necessary both as a separate piece and as the inner outline on the front for indicating the pocket location. In this case, when the Front piece is assembled, you should first specify the Front outline, and then the Pocket outline.
· In order to memorize an expression set in the command execution line, for reusing, press the < Insert > key while holding the < Ctrl > key on the keyboard down. In order to display this expression in the necessary window, click the left mouse button and press the <Insert > key while holding the < Shift> key down.
In order to edit the text of the “Comment” in the “Program debugging” window, it may sometimes be necessary to select the entire text at a time. To do this, position the cursor in the text and press the <End> key while holding the <Shift> key down. The whole text will be selected instead of individual words.
· When the “Initial data” table is being filled in for a project, created based on the Size base (where certain denominations have already been entered), you should ensure that denominations added manually and those which are selected from the size base (including even those which have not been selected) do not recur in any tab!!!
· If you are recording names for new points and lines manually, you should be aware of the following:
The new name should consist of alphanumeric characters (and the underscore can be used if necessary):
First, a letter is recorded, then (if necessary) a digit, then (if necessary) an underscore, and then a letter or a digit. Spaces are not used. For example: Т, or Т20, or Т20_1
In order to enter an underscore, press while holding the SHIFT key down. ATTENTION When naming construction elements only the uppercase works! Lower case and capital letters (i.e. “small” and “big” ones) become only “big” ones in the drawing, in the uppercase: а1 and А1 are perceived as the single name А1.
Denominations in the “Initial data” table and element names should not be reduplicated (even if they are input in different cases).
· In order to divide a value of the “Initial data” table by another one, the expression should look like this:
Where H и Iw are necessary data (for example, those from the «Measurement data” or “Tolerances” tab)
ММСМ is a symbol recorded manually (only in English)
· Selecting required elements using the space key
If you select an element (a line or a point) on the screen using the cursor and click the left mouse button in the screen bottom area, you can read its name.
If there are several items in this screen area (located close to or on each other), you can select the element required for work.
To do this, press the space bar on the keyboard while holding the left mouse button down. Then, the names of the elements you are indicating at the moment will be written in the screen bottom area. When you see the name of the required item, release the left mouse button.
· Cancelling operation in the dialog window.
All dialog windows offer the possibility of using the ESC button on the keyboard for cancelling an operation and exiting the dialog window.
· If necessary (Voronin’s methodology – constructing the sleeve bottom line, etc.), insert a third point (3) between two constructed points (1) and (2), at the set distance from one of the points (1), so that it is the peak of the right angle at the intersection of straight lines between points 1 and 2.
In this case, according to the rule of finding one of the sides in a right-angled triangle, the missing length of the side can be found using the expression:
The “Point at intersection of two circles” command () of the Point tab should be used in the project in this case. In order to obtain the point (3), two radiuses (sides A and B of the triangle) should be entered, but we know only one of the sides (A). Therefore, the expression described above should be entered in the algorithmic language instead of the second radius (side B):
(Side C parameter should be measured in advance and entered as an identifier)
· When setting names of points and pieces, as well as denominations of expressions for identifiers, hyphen signs should not be used. In order to insert a space between words in piece names and denominations of expression for identifiers, use the combination of the SHIFT key on the keyboard and the “dash” button above the alphabetical panel of the keyboard.
- The list of identifiers which are prohibited for use when entering denominations of the “Initial data” table (these names are already reserved by the program):