Design:Method for modifying drawing
Method Modification of Drawing
After constructing the base, you can continue working in the “Design” program and create model constructions.
Modeling operations are performed when switching to the “Modifications” tab in the drawing handling mode. These functions are performed before the outline, and then the piece of these outlines, are completely assembled.
An example of drafting a “tulip” skirt is shown below. Is it based on a previously drafted project of the skirt base (based on Muller’s methodology). – See Fig.1.
Steps of creating yokes at front and back parts
А) Constructing additional lines and points:
§ Put point P106 at the distance of 17cm from point P0 at the angle of 90 degrees using the Point/ Point located at set distance and set angle relative to another point function ( button of the button menu);
§ Put point P107 at the distance of 8cm along curve L11 from point P11 using the Point/ Point at distance set along curve ( button of the button menu);
· Put point P108 at the distance of 8cm along curve L12 from point P12 using the same function;
§ Put point P109 at the intersection of the vertical line from point P3 and horizontal line from point P108 using the Point/ Point of intersection of vertical and horizontal lines function ( button of the button menu);
§ Shift point P109 down by 0.5cm using the Point/ Displace point on X, Y function ( button);
§ Put point P110 at the intersection of the vertical line from point P17 and horizontal line from point P109 using the Point/ Point of intersection of vertical and horizontal lines function (] button of the button menu);
· Put point P111 at the intersection of the vertical line from point P103 and horizontal line from point P109 using the same function;
§ Draw spline L166 passing through points P109, P110, P111, Р108 using the Lines/ Spline function ( button of the button menu); (See Fig. 2)
· Draw spline L167 passing through points P106, P13, P107 using the same function; (See Fig. 3)
B) Creating the yoke of the front:
· Cut line L18 at point P106 using the Lines/ Divide line in two ( button of the button menu);
· Cut line L11 at point P107 using the same function;
· Cut line L12 at point P108 using the same function;
· Cut line L17 at point P109 using the same function;
· Cut line L167 at point P13 using the same function;
§ Put the point of intersection (P112) of line L162 with line L166 using the Point/ Point of intersection of two lines function ( button of the button menu);
· Put the point of intersection (P113) of line L161 with line L166 using the same function;
· Put the point of intersection (P114) of line L15 with line L166 using the same function;
· Put the point of intersection (P115) of line L16 with line L166 using the same function;
· Cut line L166 at point P112 using the Lines/ Divide line in two function ( button of the button menu);
· Cut line L162 at point P112 using the same function;
· Cut line L166_0 at point P113 using the same function;
· Cut line L161 at point P113 using the same function;
· Cut line L15 at point P114 using the same function;
· Cut line L166_0_0 at point P114 using the same function;
· Cut line L16 at point P115 using the same function;
· Cut line L166_0_0_0 at point P115 using the same function;
· Select lines L7, L13, L18_0 using the Modifications/ Select lines function ( button of the button menu);
· Shift the randomly selected elements up from the skirt drawing using the Modifications/ Displace lines randomly function ( button of the button menu);
· Unselect lines using the Modifications/ Unselect lines function ( button of the button menu); (See Fig. 4a)
· Select lines L14, L164, L11_0 using the Modifications/ Select lines function ( button of the button menu);
· Connect the selected area (lines L14, L164, L11_0 ) with the shifted part of the yoke, by overlapping point Р16 with point Р15, and point Р13 with Р13_0 using the Modifications/ Displace lines by overlapping two points ( button of the button menu);
· Unselect lines using the Modifications/ Unselect lines ( button of the button menu); (See Fig. 4b)
Fig. 4а Fig. 4b
§ Draw spline L166A passing through points P106_0, P13_1, P107_0 using the Line/ Spline function ( button of the button menu); (See Fig. 5)
C) Creating the piece of the front yoke:
§ Assemble ready view outline C1 consisting of lines L18_0, L7, L164, L11_0, L166А using the Pieces/ Assemble outline function ( button of the button menu);
§ Assemble the Front gore yoke piece consisting of outline C1 using the Pieces/Assemble piece function ( button of the button menu);
D) Creating the piece of the back yoke:
· Select lines L8, L17_0, L16_0 using the Modifications/ Select lines function ( button of the button menu);
· Shift the randomly selected elements up from the skirt drawing using the Modifications/ Displace lines randomly function ( button of the button menu);
· Unselect lines using the Modifications/ Unselect lines function ( button of the button menu);
· Select lines L163, L161_0, L15_0 using the Modifications/ Select lines function ( button of the button menu);
· Connect the selected area (lines L163, L161_0, L15_0) with the shifted part of the yoke, by overlapping point Р17 with point Р18, and point Р114 with Р115_0 using the Modifications/ Displace lines by overlapping two points function ( button of the button menu);
· Unselect lines using the Modifications/ Unselect lines function ( button of the button menu); (See Fig. 6)
· Select lines L165, L12_0, L162_0 using the Modifications/ Select lines function ( button of the button menu);
· Connect the selected area (lines L165, L12_0, L162_0) with the shifted part of the yoke, by overlapping point Р194 with point Р103, and point Р112 with Р113_0 using the Modifications/ Displace lines by overlapping two points function ( button of the button menu);
· Unselect lines using the Modifications/ Unselect lines function ( button of the button menu);
§ Draw spline L167A passing through points P108_0, P112_0, P114_0 using the Line/ Spline function (] button of the button menu);
§ Draw Bezier type curve L168 based on points Р109_0 and Р114_0 using the Lines/ Bezier curve function ( button of the button menu); (See Fig. 8)
E) Creating the piece of the back yoke:
§ Assemble ready view outline C2 consisting of lines L12_0, L165, L163, L8, L17_0, L168, L167А using the Pieces/ Assemble outline function ( button of the button menu);
§ Assemble the back yoke piece consisting of outline C2 using the Pieces/ Assemble piece function ( button of the button menu);
The stage of modifying the front part
А) Constructing additional lines and points:
§ Draw segment L170 connecting points P13 and P23 using the Lines/ Segment between two points function ( button of the button menu);
§ Put point P116 between points P1 and P23 dividing the distance in the ratio [0.5] using the Point/ Point dividing distance between two other points in set ratio function ( button of the button menu);
§ Draw straight line L171 from point P116 at the angle of 270 degrees using the Lines/ Straight line from point at random angle function ( button of the button menu);
§ Put the point of intersection (P117) of line L167_0 with line L171 using the Point/ Point of intersection of two lines function ( button of the button menu);
§ Draw segment L172 connecting points P117 and P116 using the Lines/ Segment between two points function ( button of the button menu); (See Fig. 9a)
Fig. 9а Fig.9б
· Cut line L26 at point P23 using the Lines/ Divide line in two function ( button of the button menu);
· Cut line L26_0 at point P116 using the same function;
· Cut line L166 at point P112 using the Lines/ Divide line in two function ( button of the button menu);
· Cut line L167_0 at point P117 using the same function; (see Fig.9B)
B) Creating pleats of the front part:
· Select all lines of the front gore (lines L20, L18_1, L11_1, L167_1, L170, L26_ 1, L26_0_0, L26_0_1, L167_0_0, L167_0_1, L172) using the Modifications/ Select lines function ( button of the button menu);
· Shift the randomly selected elements to the left from the drawing of the skirt rear gore using the Modifications/ Displace lines randomly function ( button);
· Unselect lines using the Modifications/ Unselect lines function ( button);
· Copy line L170 – Modifications/ Copy lines ( button);
· Select lines L20, L11_1, L167_1, L26_1, L170_0 using the Modifications/ Select lines function ( button of the button menu);
· Rotate all selected items (selected and copied lines) around point Р23_0 by 4cm (along the arc of the circle) using the Modifications/ Rotate lines by amount function ( button of the button menu); (See Fig.10а)
· Unselect lines using the Modifications/ Unselect lines function ( button of the button menu);
· Copy line L172 – Modifications/ Copy lines ( button of the button menu);
· Select lines L20, L11_1, L167_1, L170, L26_1, L26_0_1, L167_0_1, L170_0, L172_0 using the Modifications/ Select lines function ( button of the button menu);
· Rotate all selected items (selected and copied lines) around point Р116 by 4cm (along the arc of the circle) using the Modifications/ Rotate lines by amount function ( button of the button menu); (See Fig.10b)
· Unselect lines using the Modifications/ Unselect lines function ( button of the button menu);
Fig.10а Fig.10б
C) Constructing the bottom line of the front part:
· Put point P23A at the distance of 0.3 cm upward from point Р23_0_0 using the Point/ Point located relative to another one on X, Y function ( button); (See Fig.11a)
· Draw spline L173 passing through points P116_0, P23_А, P25_0 using the Line/ Spline function ( button of the button menu); (See Fig. 11b)
· Delete line L26_1 using the Lines/ Delete line function ( button);
· Delete line L26_0_1 using the same function;
· Delete point Р23_0_0 using the Point/ Delete points command ( button); (See Fig.11c)
D) Constructing the upper line of the front part:
§ Put point P118 dividing line L167_0_0 in the ratio [0.4] from point Р106 using the Point/ Point dividing line in set ratio function ( button of the button menu);
§ Put point P119 dividing line L167_0_1 in the ratio [0.5] from point Р117_0 using the same command;
§ Put point P120 dividing line L167_1 in the ratio [0.5] from point Р13_2 using the same command;
· Draw spline L174 passing through points P106, P118, P119, Р120, Р107 using the Line/ Spline function ( button of the button menu); (See Fig. 12);
E) Creating the piece of the front part:
§ Assemble ready view outline C3 consisting of lines L18_1, L174, L11_1, L20, L173, L26_0_0 using the Pieces/ Assemble outline function ( button of the button menu);
§ Assemble the piece of the Front gore consisting of outline C3 using the Pieces/ Assemble piece function ( button of the button menu);
The stage of modifying the back part
А) Transfer of the total value of rear dart openings to side and middle seams:
§ Measure (and record as Identifier I11) the width of the minor rear dart as the distance between points P112 and P113 using the Measures/ Distance between two points function ( button of the button menu);
§ Measure (and record as Identifier I12) the width of the major rear dart as the distance between points P114 and P115 using the same function;
§ Make an expression and record obtaining of the total value of the rear dart opening P113 as Identifier I13 using the Measures / Expressions for identifiers function ( button of the button menu); (See Fig. 13)
· Put point P121 at the distance of [0.5]* I13 along curve L66_1 from point P108 using the Point/ Point at distance set along curve (] button of the button menu);
· Put point P122 at the distance of [0.5]* I13 along curve L66_0_0_0_0 from point P109 using the same function;
§ Put point P123 at the intersection of the vertical line from point P109 and horizontal line from point P5 using the Point/ Point of intersection of vertical and horizontal lines function ( button of the button menu);
· Cut line L17_1 at point P123 using the Lines/ Divide line in two function ( button of the button menu);
· Cut line L166_0_0_0_0 at point Р122 using the same function;
· Cut line L166_1 at point Р121 using the same function;
B) Creating the side and center lines of the back part
· Draw Bezier type curve L175 based on points Р122 and Р123 using the Lines/ Bezier curve function ( button of the button menu);
· Draw Bezier type curve L176 based on points Р121 and Р5 using the same function; (See Fig. 14)
C) Creating the piece of the back part:
§ Assemble ready view outline C4 consisting of lines L176, L166_1_0, L166_0_1, L166_0_0_1, L166_0_0_0_1, L166_0_0_0_0_1, L175, L17_1_1, L25, L19 using the Pieces/ Assemble outline function ( button of the button menu);
§ Assemble the piece of the Front part consisting of outline C4 using the Pieces/ Assemble piece function ( button of the button menu);
Now, when entering the ready piece handling mode ( button), created pieces will be displayed on the screen: