Constructor:Drafting pieces from the constructor

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Drafting of Pieces Pieces from the “Constructor” program can be drawn via the “Plotter” program (embim3369.png) or printed on the printer – in 1:1scale or in preset scale. The drawing sheet can be saved as a PDF or HPGL file, for example, for drawing at another enterprise.

The functions, used for drawing pieces from the “Constructor” program are in the “Trace”  “Drafting” tab or in the program text menu:

embim3370.png - display (remove) a sheet of paper. The sheet limiting the print area is displayed (removed).

embim3371.png - drawing (printing) of pieces laid out on the sheet. 

Plotter: The name of the drawing sheet is specified.

Printer: The screen sheet is printed automatically. For in 1:1 scale printing the piece is indicated on the screen. The image is divided in accordance with the printer sheet size.

embim3372.png - drawing (printing) of pieces with mirror-reflected rotation of the legend. It is used for pieces, reversely rotated (together with the inscription) by the commands of the SCREEN rotation for printing. 

embim3373.png - printing of the selected area on the printer. In 1:1 scale printing of pieces on the printer the screen area to be printed should be marked with the screen frame. The area selected is automatically divided in accordance with the printer sheet size.

embim3374.png - lay down pieces on the sheet (for the plotter). Pieces are arranged on the sheet, with screen rotation of pieces for more rational layout. Pieces grading are laid out depending on the size.

embim3375.png - lay out pieces on the sheet without rotation (for the plotter). Pieces are arranged on the sheet, without screen rotation, in accordance with their position in the database. Piece gradings are laid out depending on the size.

embim3376.png - lay out a piece grading (for the plotter). When laying out on the sheet, the view of the called up piece grading is preserved.

embim3377.png - clear the sheet. All pieces on the drawing sheet are removed from the screen.

embim3378.png - screen printing. Printing of the screen view with all pieces on the printer (in the screen scale).

embim3379.png - move the sheet. The sheet is moved to the pieces previously laid out on the screen for drawing.

Global settings of printing are performed in the “Utilities” program (embim3380.png) (GLOBAL SETTINGS/ Plotter, pieces)


The current settings of the drawing are made in the “Constructor” program, PLOTTER tab (the “Setting/ Program parameters” text menu items).


Drafting pieces on a plotter

In order to draw pieces on the plotter:

  • Call up pieces to the screen (embim3383.png). You can call up one size pieces or a piece grading.
  • Set sheet parameters for drawing:

1)      Specify the type of outputting pieces to the plotter by activating the “4.x version database” (embim3384.png) mode in the settings window (the “Setting/ Program parameters” text menu items, PLOTTER tab).


2)      Set the sheet length and width

3)      Select the input mode:

“Draw”– for piece drawing. “Draw and cut” for cutting pieces on the cutting plotter (in this case outlines with the “Draw” parameter are drawn while those with the “Cut” parameter are cut).

embim3386.png  - the setting is adjusted according to the plotter manual.

     4)  If necessary, set other sheet parameters for drawing:

embim3387.png - setting of the image scale: you can set the piece shrinkage (ratio: 0.2, etc.) or display the drawing job mirror-reflected (ratio: -1.0)

embim3388.png - setting of the sheet displacement when drawing from the paper edge.

embim3389.png - do not output “Operating” and “Shadow” outlines on drawing.

If the Operating outline is the main one on a piece, a derivative Cut outline (a dependent outline which is drawn in layouts) is created automatically based on it. The Cut copies the shape of the Operating outline completely (excluding modifications of the SEAMS tab); therefore, when drawing of the Operating outline is activated, the plotter draws the same lines twice.


5)      After setting drawing parameters they need to be saved.

YES button – for a single use of parameters (until exiting the program).

SAVE button – for saving parameters for the next program starting.

CANCEL button – close the setting window without saving the set parameters.


  • Display the sheet on the screen by selecting embim3390.png command of the DRAW tab (or execute the “DRAW /Display (remove) paper sheet” text menu items).
  • Lay out pieces on the screen sheet.

You can layout pieces automatically, using the DRAW  tab commands embim3391.png and embim3392.png (or the “DRAW / Lay out pieces” and “Lay out pieces without rotation” text menu items). You can also lay out pieces manually using the functions of piece moving and screen rotation:    

  • Create a drawing sheet.

To do this, select embim3394.png command (or execute the “DRAW/DRAW” from text menu item). A window will be displayed where you should set the sheet name in the input line and press the “YES” button.


Drawing sheets are arranged in a list in the “Plotter” program (embim3396.png), in the PIECES mode.     After selecting the required line in the list of sheetsб the drawing job should be queued (embim3397.png) and the “DRAW” button should be pressed.



                                           1) The outlines whose visibility is activated will be drawn on pieces.  


In order to cancel the piece legend, deactivate visibility of the legend point (embim3401.png button)

2) After activation of the special program setting, the sheet created for drawing automatically will be included into the list of saved screens (the “Setting/ Program parameters” menu items, GENERAL/Constructor):


This piece arrangement can be displayed on the screen (without the sheet outline) by selecting embim3403.png button in the on-screen menu (or by executing the “Window/ Read screen” text menu items). Pieces will be displayed in the position they have been set for drawing. Such sheet reading can be used for changing the drawing job: change the size, add a piece to the sheet, etc. When deleting a drawing sheet, it will be automatically deleted from the list of saved screens as well.

It is recommended to introduce different naming systems for Sheets and Screens.

3)      The mode for outputting to the 3.x version database (embim3404.png) is designed for working in the older program version.

4)      The mode of outputting to the Plotter (embim3405.png) is designed for printing on the plotter using the driver

Printing Pieces on a Printer

In order to print pieces on the printer

  • Lay the  pieces to the screen (embim3406.png).
  • Specify the type of pieces outputting to the printer (embim3407.png) in the program settings window (the “Setting/ Program parameters” text menu items, PLOTTER tab).

Pieces can be sent to the printer in the screen scale,  1:1 scale or in the preset scale, depending  on the “Output scale” switches:

In order to print in the screen scale:

  • Select the input scale embim3408.png
  • Save the print parameters in the settings window:

YES button – for a single use of parameters (until exiting the program).

SAVE button – for saving parameters for the next program starting.

CANCEL button – close the setting window without saving the set parameters.  

  • Display the sheet on the screen by selecting embim3409.png command of the DRAW tab (or execute the “DRAW /Display (remove) paper sheet” text menu items).

·         Lay out pieces on the screen sheet using piece moving and rotation functions: 

  •  Send the sheet to print by selecting embim3410.png command (or the “Trace/ Trace” menu item).



For 1:1scale printing (or printing in another preset scale):

  • Set the input scale: life-size   embim3411.png , or in the preset scale (e.g. embim3412.png).
  • embim3413.png - activation of the mode of printing pieces in parts on several sheets.
  • Save print parameters in the settings window:

YES button – for a single use of parameters (until exiting the program).

SAVE button – for saving parameters for the next program starting.

CANCEL button – close the setting window without saving the set parameters.

·         Send pieces to print.

Select embim3414.png command (or execute the “DRAW/DRAW” text menu items) and specify the piece. The image will be divided into sheets automatically and sent to print.

You can also mark the print area by selecting embim3415.png command (or the “DRAW/DRAW selected area” text menu items). Lead the cursor on the screen while holding the mouse left button down. The screen frame specifies the tracing area (for example, around the piece). The marked area will be divided into sheets automatically and sent to print.


  • When embim3416.png option is deactivated, only the piece part which fits in one sheet in the set scale (1:1 or any other) will be output. In order to send a sheet to print all you have to do is to select embim3417.png command (or the “Trace/ Trace” menu item).

Creating a PDF file

In order to save and transfer a printer print sheet in electronic form (in PDF format):

  • Set up a virtual printer using DoPDF program (embim3420.png file). 
  • Select this virtual printer for printing “By default”.

For this purpose, click the mouse right button on this printer shortcut embim3422.png in the “Printers and faxes” system settings and select the “Set as default” menu item.

  • Lay pieces onto the screen embim3423.png.
  • Specify the type of pieces outputting to the printer (embim3424.png) in the program settings window
  • Select the required print mode and scale using the “Output scale” switch:

 In order to divide an image into several sheets, activate embim3426.png option.

  • Save the print parameters in the settings window by pressing the YES button
  • Select embim3427.png command and specify the piece or embim3428.png  command and set the drawing area.

A window for selecting a storage location of the document in the file is displayed on the screen where you can select the disk and folder as well as set the file name after pressing the “Overview” button.

When the option for the constant use of this path is activated, the request window will not be displayed.


Adobe Acrobat Reader must be installed on the machine for PDF file reading (setup file: embim3430.png).

Creating an HPGL file

You can create an HPGL file in the program in order to send it to other companies for drawing. To create a HPGL file

  • Call up? pieces to the screen embim3431.png.
  • Set the type of piece output embim3432.pngin the program settings window (the “Setting/ Program parameters” text menu items, PLOTTER tab).
  • Adjust file creation settings:

1) embim3433.png  - Measurement coefficient. This parameter depends on the plotter.   

2) embim3434.png - Setting of the positive direction of coordinate axes when drawing a file.

3) embim3435.png - setting of the starting point for drawing.

4) Set the sheet length and widthembim3436.png

5) After drawing parameters have been set, they need to be saved.

YES button – for a single use of parameters (until exiting the program).

SAVE button – for saving parameters for the next program starting.

CANCEL button – close the setting window without saving the set parameters.

·         Call up? the drawing sheet to the screen (embim3437.png - “Trace/ Display a paper sheet”)

·         Lay out pieces on the screen sheet

You can layout pieces automatically, using the DRAW tab commands embim3438.png and embim3439.png (or the “DRAW / Lay out pieces” and “Lay out pieces without rotation” text menu items). You can also lay out pieces manually using the functions of piece moving and screen rotation:

  • Create a drawing sheet.

Select embim3441.png command (or execute the “DRAW/DRAW” text menu item). An HPGL file will be created automatically and the window for its storage location setting will be displayed. 

Selecting the File Storage Path:

·         In the “Folder” window select a folder on one of the disks (or create a new empty folder (embim3442.png)) and open it by double clicking.

·         Set the file name in the “File name” window entering it instead of *.

·         Press SAVE button to confirm the data entry.
