For making different marks or auxiliary constructions you may often need to draw different types of lines (horizontal, vertical, straight, parallel, etc) on pieces.
These lines are drafted on the piece as inner contours with the help of the commands in the LINES tab or from the text menu "Contour/ Lines":
You can make the following constructions: Horizontal line, Vertical line, Normal and Tangent lines, Equidistant line, Segment of a set length and direction; Straight line between points; Quilting lines.
Straight lines
Straight line from a point
To create a straight line of a set type (horizontal, vertical, normal, tangent) from any point of the section:
You can also follow the text menu points "Contour/ Lines / Straight line from a point".
- Specify the point (1) or any place of the section. The window with the parameters of the straight line is displayed on the screen:
- Limitation for a straight line inside the contour, where a point is specified, is set by default
If necessary, you can select a different type of a limiting contour by means of switching on a necessary type of the switch "Limit". It can be Cut, Finished view or any locked contour specified upon selection of a point: Inner or Working contour.
- Select the button of a necessary construction command with clicking it with the left mouse button:
-horizontal -vertical -normal -tangent.
MODE Construction of "Normal" and "Tangent" from the End point of a section
To construct "Normal" and "Tangent" from the end point to one of the two adjacent sections of this point, you need to specify, which section will be used. It means that the function must be performed in a special mode:
- Press and hold the <CTRL> key on the keyboard after selection of the function
- Specify not the End point (1) on the screen, but a spot on the section next to it, by means of selection of one of the sections for construction of a normal or a tangent line.
- Release the <CTRL> key at the time of display of the window for input of values or setting the type of a line.
- When constructing lines from the Inner contour, Sight, or Pinhole, contour limitation is performed up to the main contour by default.
- When "Normal"is constructed from the End point, the straight line goes through an angle bisector between the adjacent sections. The construction "Tangent" from an End point has no sense
- If there are several crossing places of a straight line and the limiting contour, a line consisting of several sections is created. It is possible to create a different number of sections in different sizes of a graded piece, so it is recommended to check all sizes.
- You can work with a group of superposed pieces (the commands of the screen menu).
A straight line will be created separately on each piece.
Straight line set from a point at distance
To construct a straight line of a set type (horizontal, vertical, normal, tangent) at distance from a specified point on the contour:
- Select the LINES tab and the button in this tab. The cursor view is changed to . You can also follow the text menu points "Contour/ Lines / Straight line set from a point at distance".
- Specify the point (1) from which distance will be measured. The window for input of data is displayed on the screen:
- Input an indention value from the point along the contour curve. The sign of the input value is defined according to the rule of positive contour outline (clockwise–"plus", counter-clockwise–"minus").
- Press the YES button. The window for selection of construction type is displayed on the screen:
- Limitation of a straight line inside the contour, where a point is specified, is set by default.
If necessary, you can select another type of a limiting contour, by means of switching on the required type of the switch "Limit".
The specifics of the function and description of an additional mode is similar to the function "Straight line from a point".
Straight line set from a point at distance along the Х axis
To construct a straight line of a set type (vertical, normal, tangent) at distance from the specified point along the X axis:
- Select the LINES tab and the button in this tab. The cursor view is changed to . You can also follow the text menu points "Contour/ Lines / Straight line set from a point at distance along X".
- Specify the point (1) from which distance will be measured. The window for input of data is displayed on the screen:
- Input an indention value from the point along the X axis (taking into account the sign in the coordinate axes).
- Press the YES button. The window for selection of construction type is displayed on the screen:
- Limitation of a straight line inside the contour, where the point is specified, is set by default.
If necessary, you can select another type of a limiting contour, by means of switching on the required type of the switch "Limit".
Construction of a horizontal with an indention along the X axis has no sense, so the button is blocked.
The specifics of the function and description of an additional mode is similar to the function "Straight line from a point".
Straight line set from a point at distance along the Y axis
The button or the text menu points "Contour/ Lines / Straight line set from a point at distance along Y".
Similar to the description of the function "Straight line set from a point at distance along X"; but construction of a vertical with an indention along the Y axis has no sense, so the button is blocked.
Example of use
Construction of straight lines on several superposed pieces is used to measure data from the "Measurement table". To measure "Chest semi-girth" in the pieces of a jacket:
1) Superpose the pieces of the Back, Side part, and Forepart with the help of the command "Superpose points of pieces"() of the screen button menu in the top points of vertical seams (1) and (2)
2) With the help of the function "Straight line set from a point at distance along Y" (), draw down a horizontal with a vertical indention by 1 cm from the deepest point of an armhole (3) and limit it with a specified Finished view contour.
As a result, a horizontal line goes across all three pieces to measure the given "Chest semi-girth".
Equidistant is an inner contour parallel to the section and located at a set distance from it. It consists of points drawn along a normal from the points of a working section. To construct it:
You can also follow the text menu points "Contour / Lines/ Equidistant".
- Specify the place on the section (1Р°), near the first End point of the section (1).
- Specify the place on the section (2Р°) near the second End point of the section (2). The following window is displayed on the screen:
- Set the indention width in the input line.
The sign of the input value for construction is defined the following way: To make an indention to the right from the direction set with the points 1Р°-2Р° - a positive value, to the left - a negative value.
- Press the YES button to confirm input of data, press CANCEL to cancel.
The construction option is used if the indentions along the normal from each point of the figured reference section create an additional curve and "intertwining" of lines. In this case, the construction option "Equidistant" is not suitable and the option "Similarity" is used:
ADDITIONAL MODE Equidistant of a variable width
You can construct an Equidistant of various width in the beginning and the end of the section. To do so:
- Press and hold the <CTRL> key after the function is selected.
- Specify the place on the section (1Р°), near the first End point of the section (1)
- Specify the place on the section (2Р°) near the second End point of the section (2)
- Release the <CTRL> key at the time of display of the window for input of data:
- Input separately the equidistant width in the beginning and the end of the section
The sign of the input value is defined as follows:
To make an indention to the right from the direction set with the points 1Р°-2Р° - positive value, to the left - negative value.
- Press the YES button to confirm input of data, press CANCEL to cancel.
Recommendation: The place on the section should be specified closer to the End points and further from the middle of the section to avoid uncertain selection.
Equidistant (with repetition)
You can perform the function "Equidistant" with repetition of construction on other sections of pieces with previously input parameters. To make constructions:
You can also follow the text menu points "Contour / Lines/ Equidistant (with repetition)".
- Specify the place on the section (1Р°), near the first End point of the section.
- Specify the place on the section (2Р°) near the second End point of the section. The following window is displayed on the screen:
- Set the indention width in the input line.
The sign of the input value for construction is defined the following way: To make an indention to the right from the direction set with the points 1Р°-2Р° - a positive value, to the left - a negative value.
- Press the YES button to confirm input of data, press CANCEL to cancel.
The Equidistant is constructed.
- Specify two points (1b and 2b) on a different section of this or a different piece on the screen. The equidistant with the same parameters will be constructed.
- If necessary, move to the next section (1c and 2c). To stop constructing click the right mouse button.
The additional function modes, such as Equidistant of a variable width and Similarity, are fully identical to the function "Equidistant".
Equidistant on several sections
To create an Equidistant on several sections limited with two side sections:
- Select the LINES tab and the button in this tab. The cursor view is changed to .You can also follow the text menu points "Contour/ Lines/ Equidistant on several sections".
- Specify several sections of the piece (1, 2, 3) one by one. Specify the second section (2) (and the following ones) as the second section, from which the indention of the Equidistant should be constructed; and specify the sections limiting the construction as the first and the last sections (1,3) (level of bringing the Equidistant).
The number of sections should be no less than three. For example, when specifying five sections, the first (1) and the last (5) ones limit the construction, and the Equidistant is constructed from the middle sections (2,3,4).
It is mandatory to specify sections in a clockwise direction. The sections do not have to be adjacent.
The window for input of data is displayed on the screen:
- Set the Equidistant width in the input line, taking into account the sign while setting the seams (inside the contour "+", outside the contour "-").
- Press the YES button to confirm input of data, press CANCEL to cancel.
The construction option is used if indentions along a normal from each point of a figured reference section create an additional curve and "intertwining" of lines. In this case, the construction option "Equidistant" is not suitable:
ADDITIONAL MODE Equidistant of a variable width on several sections
To construct an Equidistant of a variable width in the beginning and the end of several sections:
- After the function is selected, press the <CTRL> key and release it at once
- Specify (in clockwise direction) 3 (or more) sections of the piece (1, 2, 3) one by one. Specify the section, from which an Equidistant will be constructed as the second one (2).and further.
- The window for input of an Equidistant width is displayed on the screen, where you need to input separately the width for the beginning and the end of the section, according to the rule of positive contour outline (in clockwise direction).
Press the YES button to confirm input of data, press CANCEL to cancel.
- Limitation with sections of contours of any type.
- The function is applicable to superposed pieces (the commands of the screen menu). The specified sections can belong to different pieces superposed in a group.
Selection of whether a contour should be drawn on all the pieces of the group is made with the help of the switch "Draw on all pieces", which is only displayed when working with superposed pieces.
3. The switch defines whether all the sections should be joined at the equidistant indention. If the mode is off, for this function (as well as for "Piece/ Facing for superposed pieces" ) the program will automatically determine if the sections should be joined at the equidistant indention in this point (some sections will be joined, some will not):
This mode is off by default, i.e., there will be no unnecessary joining and smoothing of sections in places of a clear contour break on the equidistant (connection of sections: neck/shoulder; shoulder/armhole; armhole/side part; and others). At the same time, automatic joining of sections is applied on smooth section transitions in order for the program not to look for crossings of nearly parallel sections.
This switch will be blocked in the mode "Variable width".
Segment, quilting
Segment of a set length from a point
To construct an inner contour in the form of a straight segment of a set length and direction:
You can also follow the text menu points "Contour/ Lines/ Segment of a set length from a point"
- Specify a point (1) or any place on the section. The window for input of the segment parameters is displayed on the screen:
- Input the indention value from the specified point to the beginning of the segment, and the total length of the line.
The indention value will not be included in the set length of the line. The maximum length of the line is 150cm.
To input different values by sizes of a graded piece, use the button .
Vertical and horizontal - along the coordinate axes;
Normal - according to the rules for setting seams (inside the contour "+", outside the contour "-");
Tangent - according to the rule for contour outline (in clockwise direction).
ADDITIONAL MODE Construction of a "Normal" and "Tangent" from the End point of a section
To construct a segment of "Normal" and "Tangent" from the End point to one of the two adjacent sections of this point, these functions must be performed in a special mode:
- Call the function and then press and hold the <CTRL> key on the keyboard
- Instead of the End point (1), specify on the screen a place of the section next to it, selecting one of the sections for construction of a normal or a tangent line
- Release the <CTRL> key when exiting the window for input of value and type of a line
Straight line between points
To construct an inner contour along a straight line between two points:
- Select the LINES tab and the button in this tab. The cursor view is changed to .
- You can also follow the text menu points "Contour/ Lines/ Straight line between points".
- Specify 2 points of the contour (1 and 2) one by one by which the line must be drawn
Construction of a straight segment on the inner contour is performed with the help of two specified points.
When working with the group of superposed pieces (the commands of the screen menu), when the points setting the straight line (1 and 2) are on different pieces, the following inquiry is displayed on the screen:
When the mode is on, the line is drawn on all the pieces of the group; when it is off, the line is only created on the piece, where the first point was specified (1).
ADDITIONAL MODELimiting a straight line inside the piece contour
When drawing a straight line, there is no limitation for a created line inside the piece contour, and the line can extend outside its border. To draft a line limited inside the piece contour:
- Select the function and then press the <CTRL> key on the keyboard and release it at once.
- Specify two contour points (1 and 2) one by one by which the line must be drafted.
To construct marking lines for quilting (a number of lines of an inner contour at a set angle and at a set distance):
- Select the LINES tab and the button in this tab. The cursor view is changed to . You can also follow the text menu points "Contour/ Lines/ Quilting".
- Specify the point (1) on the piece for drafting a line referential for calculating an indention for other lines. The following window for input of data is displayed on the screen, where the following parameters must be set:
"Step": distance between the lines from the first reference line;
в"Angle": angle of line slope from a horizontal in clockwise or counter-clockwise direction (from -90 to +90 degrees);
"Limitation": selection of type of a locked contour, inside which construction is performed
The switch allows to create quilting lines as one contour or as separate contours.
Press the YES button to confirm input of data, press CANCEL to cancel.