Marker:Top dividing line

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Top dividing line is located between the piece panel and the overlay panel, and looks as follows.

En marker embim312.png

If pieces, selected for a layout, take up more room on the piece panel than is available on the screen, they can be "scrolled" or moved to be visible on the screen. To do so, use the following elements of the Top dividing line:

- Scroll line, located in the lower section of piece canvas. En marker embim313.pngEn marker embim314.png To do so, place the mouse cursor on the line runner and move it to a required position by holding it with the left mouse button.

- Buttons En marker embim315.pngDisplay pieces not used and Restore sorting are located to the left of the scroll line. Clicking the first button moves to the right pieces, which were not used, clicking the second button - restores the piece canvas view (relative piece placement) at the time of opening a layout. These functions can be selected from the drop down menu on the piece panel.

En marker embim316.png En marker embim317.png

- A red number En marker embim318.png is displayed to the right of the scroll line, this number shows the number of pieces, which are not placed to an overlay, which remain in the piece panel. When the piece panel will have no pieces, this number (0 pieces) becomes green En marker embim319.png.

- The button En marker embim320.png is located to the right of the buttons En marker embim321.png. It allows automatic placement of small details to an overlay after the basic pieces are placed. When this button is pressed, the following message is displayed.

En marker embim322.png

After the confirmation (pressing the button Yes) small details will be automatically placed to an overlay. The right part of the status panel contains an indicator of this process.

The button En marker embim323.png Piece selection

The button En marker embim324.png Sets

The bottom right portion of the panel displayed the basic parameters of a piece, which is being pointed at by the mouse marker at the time (name, size-height). When an option Additional information about pieces is selected in the settings of the program Server JULIVI in the window Layout-Options, this area will also contain additional parameters of a selected piece (overall dimensions, value of pattern repeat distance for a blank, as well as the information about the number of times a current piece can be placed in a set width (this is convenient to use with layouts with a Special type of piece output)).

En marker embim325.png

When creating a layout for a patterned fabric, the button En marker embim326.png is displayed on the Top dividing line, it switches on/off the mode of creating binding of pieces to fabric pattern and to each other. Binding pieces to fabric pattern

En marker embim327.png