Marker:Overlay panel

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Layout scheme is formed on the overlay panel. Pieces, placed on the overlay panel, can have different parameters.

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A piece, selected on the piece panel, is displayed on an overlay as a contour with a clear filling. Such a piece is called active. When working with an active piece, the mouse cursor is not visible, a piece can be moved inside the overlay panel by moving the mouse.

After a piece is placed to an overlay by a single click of the left mouse button (or pressing the key <Enter> on the keyboard), it becomes fixed and is filled with a corresponding color of a set. After a piece is fixed on the overlay panel, the mouse cursor appears, it moves when the mouse is moved. To make a fixed piece active, place the mouse cursor inside the contour of a fixed piece and click the left mouse button. If an option Highlight closest piece from the bottom in the window Program-Settings-Layout, the cursor must not be placed directly over a piece, it is enough to place it next to a piece. This is convenient when working with small pieces.

Along with an active and fixed state, a piece on the overlay panel can be temporarily fixed. In this case it looks as active, since the piece contour has clear filling, however, if the mouse is moved, the contour of a temporarily fixed piece will remain in place, and the mouse cursor will freely move along an overlay.

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When a piece is placed to an overlay and the user tries fixing an active piece, but it remains active (in other words, with clear filling, piece contour moves along with mouse movements) — this means there is not enough room to fix a piece. In this case, current gap must be increased (decreased), or move, rearrange other pieces. In order not to delete or place an active piece to the end of a layout, it is convenient to make it temporarily fixed. By placing an active piece to a layout area, where you want to place it, click the left and right mouse buttons at the same time, or press the <Space> key on the keyboard — the contour of an active piece remains clear, but the mouse cursor will appear and it will be possible to work with other pieces. When working with other pieces, you can place them over a temporarily fixed piece - it becomes "insensitive" to other pieces. To continue working with a temporarily fixed piece, click it with the left mouse button to make it active.

When trying to save a layout with temporarily fixed pieces, the program will display the warning En marker embim330.png, if you nevertheless save such a layout, the program will automatically remove temporarily fixed pieces from an overlay, these pieces will be displayed on the piece panel upon the next layout launch.

To make an active piece temporarily fixed, press the <Space> key on the keyboard while working with an active piece (do not confuse with the command “Use piece from piece panel”, which is also used by pressing the <Space> key, but when pieces are fixed on the overlay panel), or click the left and right mouse buttons at the same time. If temporarily fixed piece is placed over a fixed piece, a required piece is convenient to select with the help of highlighting mode.

Bottom dividing line

Scroll lines for an overlay are located to the right and at the bottom of the panel, they can be used to view the entire area of the overlay.

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Moving an active piece can be used to view the layout area, located outside of screen borders. To do so, hold an active piece at the right (left) border of the visible portion of a layout while moving it.

Current coordinates are displayed to the right of the lower scroll line on the Bottom dividing line: if you are not using an active piece, these are coordinates of the mouse cursor arrow, when using an active piece - these are coordinates of the top left corner of an imaginary rectangle, constructed by edge points of a piece contour. Brief information about an active piece or fixed piece, over which the mouse cursor is placed, is displayed to the right of the coordinates. This information is: name, size-height of a piece, size of a pattern repeat distance for a blank, slant value in cm over grain line length, slant value in degrees.

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When a layout area is highlighted with the help of the right mouse button, this section also displays information about this section: area, value, equal to section area, divided by layout width (reduced value), distance between the first and last point of a section.

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Place piece to an overlay

When pieces are placed to an overlay, two moved are used — mode of contingence and outthrust of pieces. In both modes, all operations with pieces are mainly performed with the help of the mouse, it is possible to use the keyboard in the contingence mode along with using the mouse. All options of placing pieces to an overlay can be easily combined (used in order) while forming a layout scheme — it all depends on which mode is most convenient for a particular situation. You can also select one of the most convenience options of placing pieces and use only it.

ATTENTION! Before forming a layout scheme, inspect the existing space between pieces and, if necessary, change it. During operations, it is possible that you might have to move an already created and/or saved layout with a new gap between pieces. In this case, you must fix again each piece of a layout after launching this layout and changing the gap value.

Confidence mode

In the contingence mode a piece is pressed to a placed piece (or canvas selvage), direction of pressing pieces must be first specified with the help of the mouse or keyboard.

The fastest option of placing pieces to an overlay in contingence mode is by using the mouse. Drag the cursor over a piece and move the mouse in the direction of pressing pieces, while holding down the left mouse button. A line from the middle of a piece will be displayed on the screen, its length and direction can be changed by moving the mouse, without releasing the left mouse button. Having selected direction of pressing pieces release the mouse button - a piece will move in a set direction until a required gap is formed between pieces. If you are working with an active piece, it will be pressed by a current gap value, if you are working with a placed piece - it will be pressed by a gap value, with which it was previously placed. A piece can not be placed to a particular spot on a layout using this mode, if other pieces are already placed on its path.

ATTENTION! When working in this mode, piece might not be fixed at once, since the program looks for the best possible position for a piece in a set direction while placing it, so it is mandatory to wait for the used piece to become fixed (be colored as other pieces in the set).

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For a more precise placement of pieces in an overlay, pressing can be performed by using the arrow keys of the keyboard. This method is also used when some layout pieces must be placed with a non-standard gap.

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To press a layout piece, first move the mouse cursor over it, then, depending on the direction of pressing pieces, press the arrow key, corresponding to this direction. The piece will move in a specified direction up to the closest piece (or canvas selvage) taking into account the gap. If you are working with an active piece, it will be pressed by the current gap value, if you are working with a placed piece - it will be pressed by the gap value, with which it was previously placed.

To place a piece at a set distance from another piece, if this distance does not equal any of the six available gaps. To do so, first press a piece to another piece with a current zero gap (this can be done by pressing the piece with the <Alt>key). Make a piece active by pressing the <Enter> key, without using the mouse, in order to maintain zero gap. When working with an active piece, pressing an arrow key moves piece contour in a corresponding direction by 1millimeter, pressing the arrow key while holding down the <Ctrl> key - piece is moved by 1 centimeter (this can be seen in changes of piece coordinates). Set a required distance between pieces by pressing the arrow key, then press the <Enter> key to fix a piece.

For pressing fixed pieces, it is also possible to use commands of the floating menu. Move the mouse cursor over a fixed piece, which must be moved, and click the right mouse button. A floating menu will be displayed on the screen.

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Depending on the direction of pressing, select a corresponding command Press up/down/to left/to right — piece will move in a set direction to the closest piece taking into account the current gap.

The program has main and additional gap. Additional gap is used when several pieces must be placed with a gap, different from the main gap of the layout. For example, rectangular pieces are usually placed with a zero gap for convenience in cutting. Value of the additional gap is set in the menu point Program - Settings - Layout and is usually equal to the gap type, which corresponds to a zero value. To place a piece with a zero gap, capture it with the left mouse button and press it to another piece with the <Alt> key pressed.

There is a special mode for placing pieces - it is mode of GERBER emulation (similarity). It is activated if the option En marker embim338.png is selected in the window Program -Setting - Layout. In this mode a piece becomes fixed only when it is placed and pressed (by using the mouse). In other cases a piece becomes temporarily fixed.

Outthrust mode

In this mode,when placing an active piece to an overlay, a piece is outthrust from a fixed piece. Set an active piece in a spot, where you wish to place it, piece contour must cross over fixed pieces placed nearby. To place a piece to an overlay, click the left mouse button (or the <Enter> key) — contour of an active piece will be pushed out from fixed pieces taking into account the current gap between pieces.

With the option En marker embim339.png switched on, sections of pieces, distance between which equals gap value, will be highlighted with red color in the window Program - Setting - Layout.

Delete piece from an overlay

A piece can be deleted from a layout scheme to the piece panel in several ways.

1. Double click a piece with the left mouse button.

2. Place the mouse cursor over a piece and press the <Delete> key on the keyboard or select the command Delete from the drop down menu.

fixed piece En marker embim340.png active piece En marker embim341.png

If an option Highlight the nearest piece from the bottom is selected in the window Program - Settings - Layout, the cursor does not need to be placed directly over a piece, it is enough to place it close to a piece. This is convenient when working with small pieces.

3. To delete all pieces from an overlay, click the button Deletion En marker embim342.pngon the control panel. Deletion

4. To delete all pieces of a particular set, place the mouse cursor on any piece of a selected set, click the right mouse button - select the command Delete set in the drop-down menu.

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Operations with a group of pieces

When moving and deleting pieces, you can work with a single piece as well as with a group of pieces. To highlight a group of pieces, press and hold the <Shift> key on the keyboard and holding down the right mouse button at the same time, move the mouse cursor along an overlay - a rectangle is visible on the screen, its sizes can be changed by moving the mouse. Drag a rectangle in such a way that all pieces, included in a group, are fully included in a rectangle, release the right mouse button - pieces filling changes to check. To add pieces to the selected group, set the mouse cursor on required fixed pieces and press the key <Insert> on the keyboard. This way, it is possible to form a group, selecting pieces in various spots of a layout. To remove a piece from the group, move a cursor over a piece and press the key <Insert> again. A piece can also be added or deleted from the group by using the command Selection, which is located in floating menu of a fixed piece.

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Having formed a group of pieces, you can move the group to any area of an overlay. To do so, place the mouse cursor on any area of the selected group and move the group to a desired area of a layout while holding down the right mouse button. When it is moved to a required spot, release the mouse button.

Selected group can be deleted from an overlay — to do so click the button DeletionEn marker embim345.png on the control panel. The window is displayed.

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Select the function Delete to delete selected pieces, select Free to place selected pieces as temporarily fixed. Press Cancel to cancel deleting selected pieces from an overlay.

After pieces are selected in a group, or after finishing performing operations with a group, piece selection can be canceled by pressing the button Cancel selectionEn marker embim347.pngon the control panel.


Selected group of pieces can be superposed by points. To do so, select the function Superposing piece points in a floating menu (click the right mouse button on the selected group).

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The window Superposing piece points is displayed on the screen

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It is possible to superpose pieces in the displayed window by clicking the left mouse button on a fixed and moved pieces. Superposing can be performed by notches, constructor's or intermediate points, first making a necessary choice in the window Show.

If necessary, it is possible to zoom in to a section of a piece by using the selection box of the right mouse button.

Show all – restore piece scale to full screen.

Superpose – superposing pieces by selected points. By length – superposing at extension along the vertical line. By width– superposing at extension along the horizontal line. Ready – superpose pieces, Cancel – close the window without changes.

View information about a piece

To view information about a piece click this piece with the right mouse button and select the point Information about piece from the floating menu.

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The window with the same name is displayed on the screen, this window contains information about a piece, set by the constructor in a corresponding program, as well as information set by the user, who worked with the piece in the layout window.

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The options Binding to pattern repeat distance by length (by width) are located at the bottom of the window, these options are informational and are active only when working with a layout on a patterned canvas.

If this window is opened for an active piece, the field Gain line deviation will be available, in this window you can set an angle of grain line rotation (in degrees). Rotation by an arbitrary angle

Information, listed in the fields Pattern repeat distance by length/width reflects the size of the pattern repeat distance for a blank, with which a piece was placed to an overlay.

Information in the fields Blank by length/width deals with growing values, set by the constructor when a piece was created.

Changing viewing scale

There are several options to change the scale.

1. Using the mouse:

To zoom in to a particular layout area, move the mouse cursor to a required spot and click the right mouse button. Without releasing the mouse button, move the mouse cursor. A selection box, which can be made smaller/bigger without releasing the mouse button, will be displayed on the screen. When you find the right size of the selection box, release the mouse button - layout area, limited by the selection box will be increased up to the size of the layout panel. To zoom out, use the scale line on the control panel - set the mouse cursor arrow on the scroll, and move it down, while holding down the left mouse button (up - increasing scale).

2. Using keyboard keys (commands of the floating menu):

To zoom in, click the right mouse button and select Increase scale from the menu.

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Scale will change with reference to the point of the layout panel, where the last mouse click was performed. It is possible to increase scale of viewing pieces by using the active key <F3>, without displaying the floating menu.

To decrease scale of viewing pieces on the layout panel, click the right mouse button and select the point Decrease scale in the floating menu. It is possible to do the same by using the active key <F2>.

To view the entire area of the layout panel, use the vertical and horizontal scroll line.

When scale is increased up to a point, when a piece size is bigger than the size of the layout window, such a piece can not be used (made active).

To show the entire layout on the screen, use the button En marker embim353.png of the control panel.

3. Ratio between widths of the piece panel and layout panel on the screen can be changed by using the buttons En marker embim354.png of the control panel. They are displayed if the option En marker embim355.png located in the window Program- Settings-New is selected. By pressing these buttons, the top dividing line moves up or down, changing the panel ratio. Piece scale depends on the option En marker embim356.png in the same settings window. If it is switched on, pieces on the piece and layout panel will be represented in the same scale, regardless of the panel width. It is possible to visually evaluate, where in a layout a selected piece can be placed. However, with an extensive width of the layout panel and a large number of pieces in a set, all pieces might not fit on the screen; in this case, pieces can be viewed with the help of the scroll, located at the top dividing line. If the option is not switched on, piece scale will be automatically selected in such a way, that all pieces of a set fit on the screen; when panel width differs too much, piece scale can also be very different. If you zoomed in to a particular layout section on the layout panel, this information is cleared when panel widths change.

Piece rotations

The program has available various piece rotations in an overlay. The option to rotate a piece in a certain way depends on an overlay type of a layout (Face up/down, Face to face) and from the selections (switched on/off) of options Permit rotation and Permit grain line rotation in the window Layout parameters. Settings

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All rotations are performed only when a piece is active - you can select a required command from the drop down menu, or, without displaying on the screen, press the active key on the keyboard, which corresponds with a particular command (as a hint, name of an active key is marked next to rotation commands in the drop down menu).

Rotate vertically

Vertical rotation is allowed with any type of an overlay, however, rotation with an overlay “Face up/down” differs from rotation with an overlay “face to face”. The function is available when the switch Permit grain line rotation is selected (this option is selected by default for an overlay "Face to face”). So, to rotate a piece vertically in an overlay “Face up/down” press the key <V> on the keyboard, while working with an active piece - the piece will rotate as shown on the figure below.

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If you rotate a piece vertically in an overlay “Face to face”, a piece will rotate as follows:

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ATTENTION! If the first piece of a particular set, which placed to an overlay first, is rotated vertically and placed accordingly, all pieces of the set will rotate. If the parameter Nap was selected for a layout, when the first piece is rotated, all pieces of all sets will also be rotated. When parameters Nap or Velvet are switched on, pieces cannot be rotated vertically inside a set.

Rotate horizontally

Horizontal rotation of a piece is possible with an overlay type of «Face to face», «Fold» and «Round». The function is available when the option Permit grain line rotations is switched on.Working with an active piece, press the button <H> — the piece will rotate as follows:

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ATTENTION! When parameters Nap or Velvet are selected, the function is not applicable.

Rotation by 90 and 45 degrees

This function is available for every type of overlay with an option Permit rotation switched on. Working with an active piece, press the <C> key to rotate it by 90°, press <D> to rotate by -90°(“-” rotation in counter clock wise direction) — , by 45°— <X>, by -45°— <Z>. Or select these commands from the floating menu.

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Grainline slant

Gain line slant (rotation by small angle) can be used with any type of an overlay, the function becomes available when the option Permit rotation is switched on.To rotate an active piece by a small angle in a clock wise direction, keep pressing the <S> key on the keyboard, to rotate in a counter clock wise direction — press <A>, or select these commands in the floating menu.

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A corresponding key can be held down without releasing it, until a piece rotates by a required angle. One stroke rotates a piece by 0.29 degrees in a required direction. In case the option is switched off, a piece can only be rotated by an angle, set by the constructor.

If a piece cannot be placed in a required spot of the layout without slanting, the program can automatically find the required slant and place a piece. To do so, move the active piece to the portion of a layout, where it must be placed, then press and hold down the <Shift> key on the keyboard for a few seconds. After this, a piece is placed at a required slant with a click of the left mouse button. If the function is not being performed, then either the <Shift> key was released too soon and the program could not arrange a suitable option, or a slant required for placing this piece is too large. The function can be used for a slant not more than 2 degrees.

When the function En marker embim363.png is switched on, if a piece was placed on an overlay with a slant, when a cursor is placed over a piece, the lower dividing line will display next to the piece name the slant value in centimeters by grain line length and deviation in degrees after the equality sign.

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Rotation by an arbitrary angle

To rotate a piece by an arbitrary angle, select I-Information about piece from a floating menu for an active piece or press the <I> key on the keyboard.

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Use the box Grain line deviation (degree) in the opened window Piece information to enter a required rotation value.

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After the user exits the window with the help of the button Exit a piece will rotate by a set angle. When inputting value “zero” after rotating a piece, you can restore it to the initial position. A faster option to restore a piece to a zero slant is to return it to the piece panel and move to an overlay again.

Mark cross lines

To display placement of a particular piece with reference to X axis on the overlay panel, use commands Mark cross lines.

Move the cursor over a selected, fixed piece, and display floating window by clicking the right mouse button.

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To display coordinates of the right edge of a piece, select the command Right cross line, for the left - Left cross line. The same can be done without displayed the floating menu but by using active keys <Q> and <W>, accordingly. The layout panel will now have vertical white lines, which mark lengthwise bounds of a piece, the lower portion of an overlay will contain numbers, corresponding with the position of these lines.

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This information can be used when working with mini-markers to determine piece location in a layout.

If an option Monitoring cross lines is selected in the layout parameters, other pieces of a layout can be pressed to these lines, for example, when creating a layout for a fabric with large painting pattern. Operations with cross lines are possible when the option Cross lines is switched on in the window Settings -Layout - Options of the program Server JULIVI.

Cut piece

To cut an active piece on the overlay panel, click the right mouse button and select the command Cut piece in the floating menu — the window Cutting piece will be displayed on the screen, operations in this window are described in the section “Piece panel”. Cut piece

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ATTENTION! The first piece placed to an overlay cannot be cut. The function of cutting an active piece on the overlay panel can be used for the second placed and following pieces.

Place on a part of an overlay

Actual production sometimes requires placing a piece not over an entire overlay, but on a particular umber of layers. In particular, when creating a layout for men's suit in half-set mode pieces of off-set welt and under-pocket piece are placed on top of each other and are cut from different layers of fabric. The program of an Automated Workplace «Mark» has available the mode to place a piece over a part of an overlay.

On the layout panel click the piece, which must be placed, thus making it active. Display floating menu and select the command Place on part of overlay or without displaying the floating menu, press the active <F> key on the keyboard.

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The window Part of overlay will be displayed.

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Options for placing a piece are located in this window - select a required value, clicking it with a left mouse button and press the button Ready. Now the piece becomes crosshatched on the overlay panel, in other words, it is marked as placed over a part of an overlay. Now another piece can be placed over this piece, by setting a corresponding value in the window Part of overlay.

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If the option En marker embim373.png is switched on in the settings window Program-Settings - Layout, a piece can be placed with the help of the <F> key without selecting the window Part of overlay. However, in this case the inspection of piece placement will be performed by the user.

There are two operation options when placing unpaired details in a half-set mode. Applicable option depends on the selection of the En marker embim374.png switch in the settings of the program Server JULIVI, window Layout - Options. With this option switched off, unpaired details are placed over each other, each on the half of an overlay. If this option is switched on, paired and unpaired details are placed on the entire overlay in the same manner. They can be placed on a half of the overlay only by using the function Portion of overlay, found in the floating menu of an active piece on the overlay panel.

Restore piece

When working with a layout, it is sometimes necessary to restore a piece, activated in an overlay, to its original location. This can be quickly done by using the command Restore of the floating menu, or by pressing the <Esc> key on the keyboard without using the menu.

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Leave free

With the help of the command Leave free of the floating menu, an active piece can become temporarily fixed. The same can be done by using the <Space> key of the keyboard, or by pressing down the left and right mouse button simultaneously.

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To leave a fixed piece free on the overlay panel, use the function Place of the floating menu, or the hot key <B>.

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Print coordinates

To print piece coordinates on the mini-marker, switch on the server setting Settings- Layout - Options - Print coordinates, then switch to the Print tab, find Coordinate in the third column Pieces and add it down with the help of the arrow En marker embim378.png.

Then set the mouse cursor over a fixed piece in the layout, display floating menu and select Print coordinates.

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When layout mini-marker will be sent to printer, distance along the Y axis from lower edge of the layout canvas will be specified for this piece.

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