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Some factories arrange operations of creating and managing layouts within a firm's order. This is convenient if there is high repetition of models for a long time. Complex JULIVI offers two options of managing order database: in the programs of Automated Workstation «Mark» and Automated Workstation «Order planning».

The used option is determined by the position of the switch Planning in the point Settings-Layout-Options of the program «Server JULIVI».

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The switch has several positions:

Order database – order database is managed in the program of Automated Workstation «Mark».

Full planning – order database is managed in the program of Automated Workstation «Order planning».

Not present – an enterprise does not have an order database.

If the specified switch is in position Order database, point Orders is displayed in the main menu of the program Automated Workstation «Mark». Commands of this menu allow creating, viewing and editing the list of orders.

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Client list

Selecting Client list in the menu Orders displays the window with the same title

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In this window a list of clients, used for working with orders, is formed. To add a new client, click the button Add and enter a name. To delete a client from the list,select the name, click it with the left mouse button and click the button Delete. The window to confirm deletion is displayed.

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If such a client is already used in orders, the following message will be displayed

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The button Exit is used to exit the window Client list.

New order

Selecting New order of the menu Orders opens the window Enter new order.

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In this window, enter order code, select a client from the drop down menu and select models, included in the new order. Code name can consist of Latin and Russian characters (not more than 18 symbols).

Models can be selected By range, By name or From general list. To select models, included in the new order, first find a required model in the list Models on the left, and click the button En marker embim619.png, this model will be displayed in the order list on the right. Transfer all required models for a new order in the same way. When all required information is entered, press the button Ready.

If you want to know whether such an order was already created, enter the button Search and corresponding information will be displayed.

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Button Cancel is used to exit the window without saving the information.

Order list

The window of order list can be edited by displaying it in any convenient manner: by name, by date, by model.

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This is done in the menu point Program - Setting - New of the program Automated Workstation «Mark». This settings window has the following switch

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The order list changes depending on the switch position

The window for operations with the list looks as follows:

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It is possible to change order parameters in this window: add/delete a mode from the order, change the client. In case a model, used in the order, was deleted, top right portion of the window displays the following message

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After an order is edited, press the button Ready.

The button Cancel exits the window without changes.

Orders, not required for operations, can be removed from the list. To do so, set the cursor on an order in the list and press the button Delete. If layouts were created for this order, the program will display the following inquiry.

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If “Yes” is selected, all layouts for a particular order as well as the order will be deleted. Answer “No” means that layouts remain in the database.