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Selecting the point Layouts of the main menu in the program Workstation «Marker» allows viewing layouts in several options

En marker embim51.png

New on the cloth

Creating a new layout starts by selecting the menu Layouts of the main menu and the point New on canvas in the drop-down menu

En marker embim52.png

The window Create new layout is displayed on the screen.

En marker embim53.png

General order of operations in this window can be divided into following stages:

1. Enter width of layout cloth.

2. Select model for layout.

3. Determine sets of pieces.

4. Set additional parameters of the layout.

5. Change “default” parameters.

6. Set layout name.

7. Exit the window.

Points 1,2,3 and 7 are highlighted — this is a minimum set of commands, required to create a layout.

Enter width

To set the width of the cloth, click in the box Width (cm) and set a required value, using the keyboard. Width of the layout cloth must be set within an interval of 2-249 cm.

En marker embim54.png

Suggestion. After the window is displayed, the box Width (cm) is automatically highlighted (colored with a blue marker). Enter a required width value using the keyboard at once, without additional mouse click.

ATTENTION! A full cloth width is entered for a layout with an overlay of type «Fold», the program will automatically divide it in two.


If the database has several orders, which include the current model, a required order can be selected in the box Order.

Model selection

Selection of required models for a layout is performed with the help of sorting the models in the window Select models.

En marker embim57.png

This panel allows sorting the list of models by scales, by name, or from the general list. Select a sorting option convenient for you by clicking it with the left mouse button. The list of scales (or names) of the models will be displayed in the field, located below the panel. Click the required range (or name) — now the list Model-Object displays only those models, which refer to this range (or name). If you prefer working with the entire list of models at once, select the point From general list — all models will be displayed at the bottom of the window and sorted alphabetically.

The window of fast search, located above the list of models, can be used with all options. When symbols of model name are typed in the box, blue highlighting marker is automatically set on the model with the same name, closest in the list.


If a model, for which the current layout is created, was made by the constructor in several options, the user can select a required option for each layout set in the drop down list of the window Option. 00 Option

En marker embim177.png

Selecting sets

“Set of pieces” — set of pieces for one model of a set size-height and material. To select a set specify (by clicking the left mouse button) a required size-height of a set in the list Size-height, and a required material in the list Cloth. Having highlighted a required size-height and material, press the button En marker embim58.png, or double-click the mouse on a required set. Selected set will move to the list Sets in a layouts, which is located below.

A set selected by mistake can be removed from the list. To do so, highlight this set and press the button En marker embim59.png. Or set the mouse cursor on this set and double click the left mouse button.

If the constructor created several options of a model, select a required option of a model in the window Option prior to placing a set in the list of selected sets by using the buttonEn marker embim60.png.

To increase the number of sets in a layout, use the switches located in the box «Number of sets» in the set line En marker embim61.png. Clicking with the left mouse button once on the top button will increase the number of sets in the layout, clicking on the bottom button - decrease. The number of sets can also be entered directly from the keyboard.

En marker embim62.png

In case the parameter Half-sets was set for a layouts, the list of sets for a layout will look as follows

En marker embim63.png

Selecting pieces

You can select separate pieces of the set for a layout (small and large details will be laid out separately). After the function En marker embim64.png is selected, the window Select pieces for layout is displayed.

En marker embim65.png

Select a model in the top section of the window. The lower section is divided into two. The field In layout contains the list of pieces already in the set. Select pieces not required for a given layout and press En marker embim66.png. A piece will be placed in the box Do not account and it will not be placed in a layout. If you selected a piece by mistake, you can return in by using the arrow En marker embim67.png. By pressing ready changes will be saved and the window will close. Press Cancel to exit this window without changes. The button En marker embim68.png moves an entire list of pieces from one window to another.

Additional parameters

To change additional layout parameters, a list of options, located next to the material drop down menu in the lower section of the window, is used. To change a parameter, switch on/off a required option. Additional parameters

En marker embim176.png

Half-sets. This option can be changed only if a layout does not contain pieces, placed on an overlay.

Block. With this option selected, a layout is blocked, in other words, no changes can be made to it. Blocked layouts are underlined in the list of layouts.

ATTENTION! Only system administrator can remove the block on a layout.

Interspace waste

Interspace waste — depending on the set percentage, the program will automatically calculate layout length by set width and total area of piece sets, limiting it on the layout panel.

Maximum length

Maximum length – this parameter allows setting a fixed length for a layout. Enter layout length in centimeters, a vertical stripe will be displayed on the overlay panel, this line limits the layout by the set value. This is a strict limitation, pieces cannot be placed beyond the set line, they can only be pressed against the line.

ATTENTION! Two parameters (Maximum length and Scrap percentage) cannot be set simultaneously because these are mutually exclusive values for the program. To cancel setting these parameter, enter "0" in both boxes.

Normative %

Normative % — is used for calculations at some factories.

For automatic machines

For automatic machines — layouts created for automatic cutting for cutting head. This parameters will be switched on by default, if the option Basic - for automatic machine is activated in the window Program - Settings - New.


Fake – parameter for some factories, where preliminary calculation of layout length is performed.


Half-sets – for layouts on the cloth «To fold» or for other types of overlays, if half-sets of pieces must be placed. This parameter can be changed only prior to selecting sets for a layout.


Nap — if this parameter is switched on, all pieces of sets will be placed in one direction. If one piece is rotated with reference to the grain line in such a layout,all pieces of all sets will be rotated.

For the constructor

For the constructor — constructor needs to be able to draft pieces in actual size when working with a model. Commands in the constructor program are available for this. It is also possible to layout such pieces, however it is not necessary to draft pair pieces twice in such a layout. Because of this, the layout program accounts for this parameter. If it is switched on, pair pieces will be represented as one detail upon creating a layout scheme (given than the setting One piece for constructor layouts is selected in the window Settings-Layout-Options of the program Server JULIVI). All necessary information for the constructor will be included in such a layout.


Velvet - operations option for fabrics with nap, when set rotation is available (pieces of one set are rotated in one direction, pieces of the other set are rotated in an opposite direction).

Rotate by 90

Rotate by 90 – parameter allows to rotate pieces in a layout by 90 degrees. With the option switched on, pieces in the layout are displayed on the screen at a 90 degree angle with reference to the grain line.


Shrinkage – options for setting percentage of piece growth in a layout with reference to linear piece sizes set by the constructor depending on the shrinkage of fabric. If a piece should be decreased with reference to the size set by the constructor, specify a negative shrinkage value, if it needs to be increased - set a positive value.

Layout description

It is possible to set a brief description of a layout in the program. To do so, press the button En marker embim69.png and type necessary information in the displayed window Layout description.

En marker embim70.png

Press ready to save changes and close the window. Cancel – exit without applying changes. Now the information you typed will be displayed in the window Saved layouts by model upon selecting a layout to the left of the button Editing comments.

En marker embim71.png

If an option to display a comment in a brief form is selected in the settings of the marker program Program-Settings-Layout, specified comments to a layout will be displayed in the window of saved layouts in a brief form.

En marker embim72.png

Fabric pattern

To change the fabric pattern of the layout cloth, click the button, located under the list Overlay type (the button displays current fabric pattern) En marker embim117.png, the window Fabric pattern will open.

En marker embim118.png

The user can change parameters of the layout pattern in this window. Fabric pattern


Use the button Calculate to generate value of calculated pattern repeat distance. The following window will be displayed on the screen

En marker embim77.png

Here, having set corresponding parameters (number of pattern repeat distances by width, as well as moving this distance up or down from selvage if necessary) and pressed the button ready, calculated pattern repeat distance value will be displayed in the box Pattern repeat distance by width.

The button Cancel cancels function performance. In case displacement in the calculation window is set along width from the top and from the bottom, the main box for setting the fabric pattern should contain the value of the displacement along the width, which was set from the bottom.

Overlay type

To change the overlay type, open the drop-down list Overlay type and select the required type of overlay.

En marker embim116.png

Type of piece output

To change the type of piece output, select the required option.

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Basic type of piece output is the parameter, which permits using the basic, most frequently used program functions when creating a layout. Basic type of piece output

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Special type of piece output is the parameter of nonstandard operations with sets of pieces within a model. Special type of piece output is used in some cases, when many sets of small pieces must be placed in a way, that the fabric width is used most efficiently.

ATTENTION! Many functions of layout creation are switched off in the special type of piece output, so basic layouts must be created in the basic type of piece output.

When using the special type of piece output, the type of set output to the piece panel changes (for models with a large number of sets), as well as the control over sets being used. Special type of piece output

En marker embim80.png

Layout name

Layout name can be set manually (using the keyboard) or generated by the program.

In the first case, click the box Name with the left mouse button and enter the name using the keyboard.

If you wish for the name to be generated automatically, leave the field blank. After the command is selected in the button menu, the program will display a message that the layout name will be created automatically and will generate the layout name (based on allowed parameters in the settings of the program «Server JULIVI», window Settings- Layout - Layout name).


To exit the program use the menu Exit of the main program menu.

En marker embim678.png

Lay out

Selecting command En marker embim83.png launches layout in the layout window. If layout name was not set, the program will display the message «Layout name will be generated by the program». Name will be generated after pressing «ОК», it will be available for manual editing. If the name will not be changed, press the button «Lay out» again.


Select En marker embim225.pngto exit the window without changes.

Create layout

Command En marker embim85.png is used when several new layouts must be created without exiting the current window. After this button is pressed, a new layout will be created and can now be opened from the window Layout by..., and all parameters in the current window will be the same as for the previous layout, only the window for creating sets is cleared. This way, it is possible to quickly create a number of layouts by a type of material,changing only sizes and number of sets, and form them later.

Save and exit

Command En marker embim86.png exits the window New Layout and saves the layout.

Settings of the window for creating a layout

Operations with the window for creating a new layout can be arranged in a manner, convenient for the user. Global settings in the server program and specific settings in the Automated Workstation «Mark» can be used for this.

Settings of the server program can be used to set the types of overlay used by your enterprise. To do so, press the button En marker embim87.png in the window of the program Server JULIVI , and the tab Layout in the displayed window. It will also contain several tabs. The tab Options determines, which of the exiting software options are used at a current enterprise. Many parameters are managed here, but only the following are applicable to creating a new layout: list of possible overlay types (types of overlay, used at an enterprise, must be marked), selection of a planning option (a required option is selected from the list), as well as the window, which determines a maximum length of a layout.

The tab Layout name determines the information, which will be included in a layout name when it is automatically generated. The top section of the window contains two lists. The left list contains all information, which can be included in the name of a layout, the right list - actual parameters, included in a layout name at a given enterprise. The buttons En marker embim88.png and En marker embim89.png allow changing this information. To add information to the layout name from the left list, highlight a required line and press the button En marker embim90.png, to shorten information - highlight a required line in the right list and press the button En marker embim91.png.

ATTENTION!When forming a layout name, remember that a layout number must be in the end of a name (contains 2 or 3 symbols). Not following this rule causes failure in automatic generation of layout names.

Options, displayed below, allow a finer tuning of the automated generation of the layout name. First 4 parameters are important when using a layout name to form a file name, which is read by the automatic cutting head and some types of plotters.

Limit name in length – length of the layout name is limited to 8 symbols. Cutting automated machine is often managed from the system MS DOS, which does not read longer file names.

Transform Russian symbols into English – all Russian characters in the layout name are transformed into English characters. Often, systems, managing automated cutting, do not read Russian symbols.

Transform to upper case – all lower case letters are transformed into upper case letters. When reading the file name, lower and upper case letters are seen as same, having both types of letters in a layout name can cause confusion.

Only letters and numbers – all symbols, which are not letters or numbers, are removed from the name (brackets, dashes, underscore, etc.). File name should contain only letters and numbers. Period can be used.

Other parameters are used for operations convenience.

Use heights in sets – the first (last) set name is marked not only by size, but by size-height.

Divider – if sets of different materials are selected in a layout, in the name they will be divided by a symbol, selected here.

The program Automated Workstation «Mark» allows to determine default parameters of a new layout when a point Program -Settings tab New is selected in the test menu. Tab "New" Such parameters are basic overlay type and type of piece output on the screen (layout type), default sorting of models and orders, switching on (off) inspection of model readiness, as well as some settings of the layout window.


When the menu point Current is selected, the program uploads the layout, which was last used, The name of this layout is displayed in the current menu box.

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If such a layout was deleted, the program will display the message "Such layout does not exist" and will clear the layout name in this menu box.

En marker embim93.png

Saved (by date)

Selecting the point Saved (by date) allows viewing a layout as two options: Last layouts and Select viewing time.

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Last layouts

When a point Last layouts is selected, the following window is displayed on the screen

En marker embim95.png

which contains a list of layouts for the last 60 days (by default), last created layout is displayed in the beginning of the list. The range of “last” layouts can be adjusted in the window Program - Settings - General. Date of layout creation can be viewed by placing a cursor on a layout in the window (see figure).

Selecting viewing time

To display layouts, created during specific period, select the point Selecting viewing time to display the following window on the screen

En marker embim96.png

where time range of layout creation must be specified. It can be typed from a keyboard, or by using the button En marker embim97.png. A calendar is displayed, where selection can be made with the help of the selection buttons for year, month, and day.

Select ready to display a list of layouts created during the specified time range, select Cancel to return to the main menu.

En marker embim98.png

Saved (by names)

Selecting Saved (by names) allows viewing layouts in an alphabet order, using a template of a layout name.

En marker embim99.png

After selecting Saved (by names), an intermediate window will be displayed on the screen, in this window a template of a layout name can be specified, if necessary.

En marker embim100.png

Match by beginning

Match by beginning – when this option is switched on, only layouts, which start with symbols listed in the template, are selected.

En marker embim101.png En marker embim102.png

Ignore case

Ignore case – if this option is switched off, search will be performed taking into account the case of letters in a layout name; if this option is switched on, the search will be performed ignoring the case of letters.

En marker embim103.png En marker embim104.png

Search by full match

Search by full match – if this option is switched on, layout search will be performed based on a complete match to the entered template name; if this option is switched off, layouts, which names match an entered template partially, will be included in the search results.

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Saved (by models)

To display layouts, created for a particular model, the point Saved (by models) is used, it has a selection option By scales, By name and from General list.

En marker embim106.png

En marker embim107.png

The window Model selection will be displayed after the selection

En marker embim108.png

This window has a list of models (only those, for which layouts are created), from which a user must select one model, for which created layouts must be displayed. To select a required model, use the scroll or the field of quick search, located above the list of models - when typing a model code in the search box, the cursor will move to a required model. After a model is selected with a left mouse click, the list of Layout names in the window Saved layouts will display layouts, which use piece sets of a current model.

Brief form

This list form is convenient to use if the layout will not be modified, in other words, layout width, number of sets, etc. must not be changed. The list is displayed as a table:

En marker embim206.png

It is possible to display a list of layouts by a specific type of material (for example, "Top") through the window of material selection.

The list displays information about size, length, width and interspace waste percent of layouts; layouts are sorted by width, and contain information about layout state – «Not started – Finished – Not finished». If a layout was recorded with an error (intercrossed pieces, missing pieces within a model, etc.), the message Error will be displayed after the information about layout state. The column Parameters displays information about the type of overlay, used for a layout, as well as about using additional parameters in a layout (after slash).

If an option Show clearance on forms is switched on the layout settings in the program Server JULIVI, parameter column will also display the basic clearance for a layout (also after slash).

Selection by objects

Selection by objects – this option is used to select multi-object layouts, or layouts, which contain piece sets for several objects of one model (for models of type “suit”) or several different models. With this option switched on, the button Select is activated.

Highlight required objects with the blue marker, clicking them with a left mouse button, then click the button Select.

En marker embim109.png

After this, the window Saved layouts will display layouts, where specified objects are used together.

En marker embim110.png


Template – when template of a model name is entered in this box, the list will display only names of models, which match this template.

En marker embim111.png

Operations with saved layouts

There are three types of windows for operations with saved layouts depending on the settings: full form, brief and table form. If the option Show layouts as grid is switched on in the window Program-Settings-Columns, the window of saved layouts is displayed as a table; if this options is switched off - it is displayed in full form. If the option Brief form is switched on in the window Program-Settings-Layout then the window of saved layouts will be displayed in a brief form.

Full form

This view of the window Saved layouts allows seeing and changing some layout parameters: layout width, overlay type, coefficient of fabric shrinkage, type of piece output, fabric pattern, layout composition, additional layout parameters.

En marker embim112.png

To perform operations with a particular layout, it should first be found and highlighted with the blue marker, clicking the left mouse button, then you can perform required actions with this layout.

List of materials

Below the list of layout names is a drop down list of materials (types of fabric) for a model.

En marker embim113.png

Using this list, layouts can be sorted by material.


The box Length contains an actual layout length. If a layout is not standardized, the box lists zero value.

En marker embim114.png


To change layout width, click the left mouse button in the box Width and enter a new value.

En marker embim115.png


If the database has several orders, which include the current model, a required order can be selected in the box Order.

Overlay type

To change the overlay type, open the drop-down list Overlay type and select the required type of overlay.

En marker embim116.png

Fabric pattern

To change the fabric pattern of the layout cloth, click the button, located under the list Overlay type (the button displays current fabric pattern) En marker embim117.png, the window Fabric pattern will open.

En marker embim118.png

The user can change parameters of the layout pattern in this window. Fabric pattern

Fabric pattern types

Program of an Automated Workstation «Mark» allows performing layouts on smooth cloth, as well as on fabric with pattern (with pattern repeat distance), operations with a patterned cloth in the layout window has a number of specifics. The program of Automated Workstation «Mark» has a number of specific functions to create layouts on patterned fabrics.

Cloth pattern, which the user can use in the program, can be simple (horizontal or vertical stripe, check) or complex (combined) - for example, check with a stripe running in the middle, or to types of check, displaced with reference to each other. Below you can see examples of possible options for cloth pattern.

En marker embim119.png En marker embim120.png

En marker embim121.png En marker embim122.png

En marker embim123.png En marker embim124.png

En marker embim125.png En marker embim126.png

En marker embim127.png En marker embim128.png

En marker embim129.png En marker embim130.png

Settings of the layout window

If you want to see a set fabric pattern on an overlay panel, mark an option Show fabric pattern in layout parameters. Settings (with a combined fabric pattern, each selected type of fabric pattern is marked by a different type of lines or by lines of different color. This depends on the setting En marker embim131.png in the window Program-Settings-Colors of the program of Automated Workstation «Mark». Tab "Colors" When a complex fabric pattern is marked by a different type of lines, the first selected fabric pattern is marked by solid lines, the following fabric patterns - by different types of dotted lines).

Pieces are matched on an overlay panel by notches, which the constructor sets in his/her program. Often, inner piece contours are used to match fabric pattern on pieces, sewn together. When working with a fabric pattern in a layout window, switch on the options Show notches and Show all inner contours in the window Layout parameters. Settings Also, there are situations, when a piece must be tied to the fabric pattern, but the piece does not have notches. In this case, it is possible to place checkpoints without notches on a piece for setting binding points. To do so, switch on the option En marker embim132.png in the window Program-Settings-Layout in the program of an Automated Workstation «Mark». Matching mode is active only when the type of piece output is set as Basic.

Binding pieces to fabric pattern

When performing operations with a fabric pattern, the layout window looks as follows: dividing line now has a button En marker embim133.png to use mode of setting binding between pieces — Set point compliance, notches and inner piece contours are automatically displayed on the piece panel, when the mode of intermediate points is switched on, checkpoints without notches are also displayed.

To switch in the mode of piece matching, press the button En marker embim134.png — color of the piece panel background will change to dark-grey, and a number of buttons for operations in this mode will appear next to the button En marker embim135.png.

En marker embim136.png

When using this mode, it is not possible to place a piece in overlay; to do so, after a binding with the fabric pattern is established between pieces being sewn together, exit the mode by pressing the button En marker embim137.png again. Only pieces, which are located in one set, can be bound, in other words, pieces with the same filling color.

Matching fabric pattern on pieces being sewn together can be done two ways: either by setting binding between pieces, or by setting a separate binding of each piece with a fabric pattern.

To set fabric pattern matching between pieces, click the notch of one of the pieces with the left mouse button, and without releasing the button, move the cursor until it matches the notch of the second piece, then release the mouse button. The following window will be displayed

En marker embim138.png

Parameters of binding between pieces must be selected in this window. If a fabric pattern is combined, select that fabric pattern, by which pieces will match. It is possible to set fabric pattern matching between pieces by two parameters (by length and width) or by one parameter, having switched of a corresponding option. In case the fabric pattern being used is a stripe, unnecessary parameter is switched off automatically.

Some pieces (for example, left and right part of the back) require symmetrical placement of the fabric pattern (see figure below). This can be done by switching on a corresponding option.

En marker embim139.png

Pieces with non-symmetric binding Pieces with symmetric binding

Selected mode For all corresponding pieces sets the binding with the fabric pattern for all sets of a selected piece.

After binding between pieces is set, it is marked on a panel with a white line, which binds joined notches. Marks are displayed in notch points, these marks show the parameters, by which pieces are bound (length, width, or both parameters). If a symmetrical binding is set by one of the parameters, it is labeled with a triple mark, single mark is used to show a non-symmetrical binding.

En marker embim140.png

With the help of the button Setting binding for paired detailsEn marker embim141.png on a dividing line, it is possible to set symmetrical binding of paired pieces automatically. The following window is displayed on the screen when such function is selected

En marker embim142.png

It shows a list of paired details in a set. In case the layout contains sets of different models, you can select the required set in the window Model. If a combination fabric pattern is selected for a layout, a specific fabric pattern must be selected for matching in the window Fabric pattern. By default, all paired details of a selected set are marked for binding. If necessary, you can cancel binding for a particular detail by deselecting a checkbox next to its name. By switching on/off lower options Symmetry by length and Symmetry by width, you can determine, by which parameters pieces will be symmetrically bound. In case the fabric pattern being used is stripes, unnecessary option will be automatically removed.

To set separately a binding of each piece being sewn together to the fabric pattern, move the mouse cursor to the point on a piece, on which the binding will be set, and select Set binding with fabric pattern in the drop down menu. The window Parameters of binding with fabric pattern will be displayed on the screen

En marker embim143.png

Select the fabric pattern detail and location of the fabric pattern, with which binding is being set: Fabric pattern start — point on the piece panel will be highlighted with white color, Fabric patternmiddle — point will be highlighted with black. Same as when setting binding between pieces, it is possible to set binding here by two parameters (length and width), or switch off unnecessary parameter. Created binding of pieces with the fabric pattern will also be shown as corresponding marks.

En marker embim144.png

Visibility of separate points for binding is set by switching on modes:

En marker embim145.png notch visibility for binding

En marker embim146.png visibility of intermediate points for binding

En marker embim147.png visibility of end points for binding

En marker embim148.png point visibility on inner contours for binding

En marker embim149.png visibility by selected points, is set in the tab Models by using the function on the lower button menu below the list of pieces Binding.

After all necessary connections are set, click again the switch Set point compliance (remove check mark), to switch to a regular mode of operations with a layout.

Remove all bindings

To remove set bindings (matching points or bindings by fabric pattern), set the mouse cursor on any of matching points and click Remove bindings in the drop down menu.

En marker embim150.png

If the function Remove all bindings is selected in the drop down menu, all bindings for a given piece will be removed. All set bindings for all pieces can be removed by pressing the button Remove all bindings En marker embim151.png of the dividing panel. The same button En marker embim152.png can be found in the window of fabric pattern parameters in the layout setting window En marker embim153.png.

En marker embim154.png

If you do not like set parameters of binding, they can be changed. To do so, move a cursor to a point, where binding is set, and select the function Binding parameters in the drop down menu. The same window as when setting binding will be displayed, there you can set required parameters of binding.

You can use the same window to select if a certain element of a combined fabric pattern will or will not be displayed - to do so, click the left mouse button to highlight it with the blue marker, then click the button Display.

Printing binding scheme

With the help of the button Printing binding schemeEn marker embim155.png , the user can print the binding scheme for a set. When this function is selected, the following window is displayed on the screen

En marker embim156.png

Here the user can select the set from a layout, for which binding scheme will be printed, in the box Sets.

When pressing the button En marker embim157.png the binding scheme for a selected set, ready for printing, is displayed on the screen.

En marker embim158.png

Scheme can be removed from the screen with the help of the button En marker embim159.png.

The button En marker embim160.png sends this document to printer.

The button En marker embim161.png cancels the function.

Copy binding schemes

If the current model has layouts, for which a system of binding pieces was already created, it can be copied to a given layout with the help of the button Copying binding schemes En marker embim162.png. When this function is selected, the window with a list of layouts, from which bindings can be copied, is displayed on the screen.

En marker embim163.png

By changing the switch position in the lower section of the window Layout selection, you can sort layouts by different parameters. Having selected a required layout for copying, press the button En marker embim164.png - system of binding will be copied from the selected layout to the working layout. The button En marker embim165.png closes the function window.

Operations with bound pieces

When pieces, bound to fabric pattern, are placed in an overlay, the program monitors or “ties” the active piece to the fabric pattern — when the piece is moved along the overlay, it moves in jerks. When laying interconnected pieces, the first selected piece can be freely placed, using mode of contingence and outthrust. When pieces, bound in some way with the first piece, are laid, the program monitors the fabric pattern on these pieces, that is why modes of contingence and outthrust are not applicable for this piece - you can simply place a piece on the available spot in overlay.

ATTENTION! If the first piece of interconnected pieces is temporarily fixed, binding is ignored when the second piece is laid down.

Information about piece binding can be viewed in the lower section of the window Piece information.

En marker embim166.png

Piece blanks

To fit the fabric pattern, details are often used as blanks - in other words, are cut with allowance. Blanks can be created in the layout window with the help of the command Use piece as nonstandard, or in the window Program-Piece parameters. Piece parameters


To view operations protocol for a layout, click the button Created... En marker embim167.png, the window will be displayed, it will contain dates when the layout was saved.

En marker embim168.png

When the option All operations is selected, all stages of operations with a given layout are displayed.

En marker embim169.png


To change coefficients of fabric shrinkage for a particular layout, enter required values using the keyboard for length and width on the panel Shrinkage.

En marker embim170.png

The window for correcting width will be displayed.

En marker embim171.png

When the use replies Yes, layout width will be recalculated on account of a specified shrinkage percentage, when the user presses No - no changes will be made.

During operations it can be necessary to set shrinkage not as percentage, but as a particular length. To do so, press the button En marker embim172.png on the panel Shrinkage and type a required value (in cm) in a displayed window Change width.

En marker embim173.png

Shrinkage percentage will be automatically set in the window Shrinkage, you will also be prompted about correcting the layout width.

En marker embim174.png

Attention: If pieces must be made smaller with reference to sizes, set by the constructor, specify a negative shrinkage value (values are types with a minus sign), to increase pieces - type positive value (with a plus sign).

Type of piece output

To change the type of piece output, select the required option.

En marker embim175.png

Additional parameters

To change additional layout parameters, a list of options, located next to the material drop down menu in the lower section of the window, is used. To change a parameter, switch on/off a required option. Additional parameters

En marker embim176.png

Half-sets. This option can be changed only if a layout does not contain pieces, placed on an overlay.

Block. With this option selected, a layout is blocked, in other words, no changes can be made to it. Blocked layouts are underlined in the list of layouts.

ATTENTION! Only system administrator can remove the block on a layout.


If a model, for which the current layout is created, was made by the constructor in several options, the user can select a required option for each layout set in the drop down list of the window Option. 00 Option

En marker embim177.png

Editing comments

Editing comments – it is possible to write or correct and existing comment for a layout. Layout description

Add set

To add a set to a layout, click the button En marker embim179.png, an additional window Add sets will be displayed

En marker embim180.png

Operations in this window are similar to creating a new layout - in the left section of the window the user can find and highlight with blue marker a required mode, set of pieces for which you wish to add to a current layout. Panels Select models and Readiness control can be used to search for models. Then specify required size-height, material and performance option of an added set in the lists Size-height, Cloth and Option. Then, by using the button En marker embim181.png or double-clicking the left mouse button, move the selected layout to the lower section of the window, which contains current sets of a layout. A set added in error can be removed from a layout. To do so, select the set and press the button En marker embim182.png.

With the help of the button menu commands, you can:

  • Select pieces. Gives an option to omit certain pieces in a layout;
  • Lay out. Launches a layout in the Layout window on account of changes in the composition;
  • Cancel. Exit the current window to the window Saved layouts without saving changes in the composition;
  • Ready. Exit the current window to the window Saved layouts and save the changes.

Delete a set

Any set of pieces can be removed from a layout (except the last set). To remove a set, click it with the left mouse button to highlight with blue marker,

En marker embim183.png

then click the button En marker embim184.png. The following message will be displayed on the screen

En marker embim185.png

When No is selected, no changes will be made to a layout, when Yes is selected, the following window will be displayed on the screen.

En marker embim186.png

After pressing OK, the selected set will be removed from a layout. If the user attempts to remove the last set of the layout, the following message will be displayed on the screen.

En marker embim187.png

Change number of sets

It is possible to change the number of current sets in a layout. To increase the number of sets in a layout, set the mouse cursor on the field Composition/Required

En marker embim188.png

and click it with the left mouse button - value will increase by one. To decrease the number, click the same field with the right mouse button - the value will decrease by one.

Additional limitations

Selecting the function En marker embim189.png allows sorting layouts in the window based on particular parameters, listed in the window.

En marker embim190.png

Ready - exits the window and saves the selection. Cancel - exit without saving changes.

If there is no layout with set limitations, the message No layouts will be displayed.

Piece selection

This function allows selecting separate pieces of a set for a layout. Layout selection

Layout search

To find a layout in the list of saved layouts, press the button Search En marker embim191.png to display a window, where the name template for a required layout must be typed, set required parameters and press the button Search.

En marker embim192.png

This command has two options, which affect the search process:

  • Search by full name – with this option selected, the layout search will be performed in exact accordance to the entered name template; if this option is not selected, layouts, which match the entered template partially, will be included in the search results.
  • Ignore case – when this option is not selected, the search will be performed taking into account the case of letters in the layout name; if this option is selected, the search will be performed regardless of the case of the letters.

When the search is finished, the cursor (blue rectangle) will be placed on the name of a required layout in the list Layouts. If only a portion of a layout name was listed, the cursor will be placed on the first name in the list containing the specified element.

If the list of layout does not contain a layout with a name specified for search, the message "No such layout” will be displayed.


Some factories perform calculation of cloth and layout materials usage. To perform such calculation, select the required layout and click the button Calculation.

Delete layout

To delete layout, click the button En marker embim193.png, a dialogue window with the same name will be displayed. This window will contain several options of layout removal, the window view depends on the form in which layouts are presented.

If the list is presented by dates or names, the dialogue window will look as follows:

En marker embim194.png

To delete the current layout or several highlighted layouts (layouts are selected by moving the mouse cursor along the list of layout names while holding down the left button) leave the option Current layout selected. If many layouts must be deleted at once, for example, all layouts of the past season, use the mode All layouts up to a specified date. The date can be set manually, or selected in the calendar, which is displayed by clicking the mouse on the button En marker embim195.png. Having selected the required option, click the button Delete.

If the list of layouts is displayed by models, an option All layouts for current model is added in the window Layout removal

En marker embim196.png

Select a required option and click the button Delete — the program will perform actions, corresponding to the option name.

If the window Saved layouts was opened through orders, it is possible to delete all layouts of a particular order — use the option All layouts for current order.

En marker embim197.png

Copy layout

To copy the current layout without exiting the layout window, click the current layout name with the left mouse button — layout name becomes highlighted with blue, delete it and enter a new name, then press the <Enter> key. The following dialogue window Next action will be displayed

En marker embim382.png

in this window you can either simply Rename the current layout, or use Create with new name to create a new layout - a copy of the current layout, or create a temporary copy. Select Cancel to return to the current layout.

To have the program generate a new name, click the button En marker embim383.png and select a corresponding command in the displayed window Next action.


To launch a layout, highlight a layout name with the blue marker in the list Layout name and click the button En marker embim200.png, or double-click the layout name with the left mouse button, or press the <Enter> key on the keyboard. Layout window will open, and it will be possible to perform operations with a layout.

Messages about launched layouts are as follows:

1. If pieces cross in a layout due to changes, made by the constructor, the program will display the following message upon a layout launch

En marker embim201.png

Program actions can be set in the menu Program - Setting - New - Intercrossed pieces. Tab "New" The following operation options can be found:

Mark – intercrossed pieces remain in place and are marked with red color.

Delete – intercrossed pieces are deleted from an overlay.

Place free – intercrossed pieces remain in place and are marked as temporary placed.

Layout must be rearranged on account of changed pieces.

2. If the constructor deleted or renamed a piece (pieces), used in a layout, the program will display the following message upon the launch of such a layout. Layout must be rearranged on account of changed pieces.

En marker embim202.png


It necessary, a report can be viewed by pressing the button En marker embim463.png, the following window is displayed :

En marker embim464.png

This report gives information about area of pieces, placed in an overlay, their length and number. If a piece was placed to an overlay with growing (blank), it is possible to view information about such piece (Area) and its initial value (Initial area).

Top of the window contains a number of commands:

En marker embim465.png Change document scale to view on the screen.

En marker embim466.png With the help of the command «Print» the report can be printed.

En marker embim467.png Close the window «Piece parameters».

The button En marker embim468.png prints a formed report.


To exit the program use the menu Exit of the main program menu.

En marker embim678.png

Brief form

This list form is convenient to use if the layout will not be modified, in other words, layout width, number of sets, etc. must not be changed. The list is displayed as a table:

En marker embim206.png

It is possible to display a list of layouts by a specific type of material (for example, "Top") through the window of material selection.

The list displays information about size, length, width and interspace waste percent of layouts; layouts are sorted by width, and contain information about layout state – «Not started – Finished – Not finished». If a layout was recorded with an error (intercrossed pieces, missing pieces within a model, etc.), the message Error will be displayed after the information about layout state. The column Parameters displays information about the type of overlay, used for a layout, as well as about using additional parameters in a layout (after slash).

If an option Show clearance on forms is switched on the layout settings in the program Server JULIVI, parameter column will also display the basic clearance for a layout (also after slash).

Symbols of additional parameters

Different types of overlay are marked as follows:

FD – face down;

FU – face up;

FTF – face to face;

FL – in fold;

RND – round.

Additional parameters are marked as follows:

A — layout is created for cutting with an automated cutting head (option For Automatic mode is selected);

С — layout for the constructor (an option Constructor's is switched on);

H — layout is created in the mode Half-sets;

V — layout with a switched on option Nap.

L — layout with a switched on option Velvet.

О — blocked layout.

Ch — fabric pattern "check" is set for a layout.

HS — fabric pattern "horizontal stripe" is set for a layout.

VS — fabric pattern "vertical stripe" is set for a layout.


It is possible to display a floating menu by clicking the right mouse button on the line of a particular layout

En marker embim207.png

The window with parameters of a selected layout is displayed on the screen when the option Layout parameters is selected

En marker embim208.png

In this window layout parameters can be viewed and changed.

To plotter

A layout is marked for sending to plotter when Space - To plotter is selected in the floating menu. A symbol «*1» appears in the column Parameters in additional layout parameters. The number in this symbol is the number of layout copies sent for printing. To increase the number, select the function To plotter as many times as required. The function can be performed without opening the floating menu. To do so, press the <Space> key on the keyboard. After a layout is marked for sending to plotter, the floating menu for this layout will contain the option Do not send to plotter (it is also performed by using the <Esc> key of the keyboard). This function removes a mark for sending to plotter.

En marker embim209.png

To print

Thefunction Z -To print selected in the floating menu marks a layout for printing its mini-marker on a printer. Symbol "P" will be displayed in the column Parameters in additional layout parameters, and a corresponding function of the floating menu changes to Remove markfor printing

En marker embim210.png

The function can also be used by selecting the <Z> key of the keyboard.


The function F3-View of the floating menu is the same as the function in the full form. View

In use

When the option En marker embim211.png is selected, the column Composition will display not layouts selected upon creation, but sets which are actually placed on an overlay.

En marker embim212.png


To print a layout scheme on the printer (such scheme is called mini-marker), press the button En marker embim448.png. The window Print is displayed on the screen.

En marker embim449.png

In case your computer has output to several printers, required printer can be selected in the drop-down menu in the window Printer.

Using the window Number of copies and arrows in the right side of the window or the keyboard, set the number of copies of the current mini-marker to print.

This window is also used to manage print scale. If the option Entire sheet is selected, the scale is automatically adjusted so that mini-marker is placed on a sheet the best way possible. If this option is switched off, scale can be increased or decreased by using the scroll, as well as view the number of pages on which mini-marker will be placed using the window Page.

The mini-marker is printed on a selected printer by pressing the button En marker embim450.png.

Mini-marker title at the top will depend on a title listed on the server Setting - Layout - Print - Titles and Sets. Information that will be printed inside a piece on the mini-marker must also be recorded on the server Settings - Layout - Print - Pieces.Windows at the top show all options which can be written in the title of mini-marker and pieces. Having selected a required option, highlight it and send down by using an arrow. Everything to be printed on the mini-marker is displayed below. If something must be corrected, highlight the line in the lower section and send it up by using an arrow.

If a check mark is placed next to Display print, print of a layout (check, horizontal or vertical stripe) will be shown on the printed pages.

En marker embim451.png

If the layout contains sections and you need to print each section separately, place a check mark next to Sections separately, then select the section in the window En marker embim452.png which you wish to print. In preliminary view, the section is displayed as it is placed in a layout. If a check mark is placed next to Rotate sections, it will be printed as rotated by 90 degrees.

The button En marker embim453.png cancels printing the mini-marker.


If mini-marker for a given layout was already printed, the top button of the window becomes active.

En marker embim454.png

It contains date and time of the last printing, if this button is pressed, the window containing full information about printing mini-marker of the current layout is displayed on the screen.

En marker embim455.png

Sort layouts

Layouts in a report can be sorted by numbers or widths. The selection is done by using the option.

En marker embim216.png

Layout selection

When the button En marker embim217.pngis pressed, the window Layout selection for report is displayed, in this window the report list can be formed by using the buttons En marker embim218.png,En marker embim219.png.

En marker embim220.png

The button Ready exits the window and saves selected layouts.

The button Cancel exits the window without changes.


It necessary, a report can be viewed by pressing the button En marker embim463.png, the following window is displayed :

En marker embim464.png

This report gives information about area of pieces, placed in an overlay, their length and number. If a piece was placed to an overlay with growing (blank), it is possible to view information about such piece (Area) and its initial value (Initial area).

Top of the window contains a number of commands:

En marker embim465.png Change document scale to view on the screen.

En marker embim466.png With the help of the command «Print» the report can be printed.

En marker embim467.png Close the window «Piece parameters».

The button En marker embim468.png prints a formed report.


To print a layout scheme on the printer (such scheme is called mini-marker), press the button En marker embim448.png. The window Print is displayed on the screen.

En marker embim449.png

In case your computer has output to several printers, required printer can be selected in the drop-down menu in the window Printer.

Using the window Number of copies and arrows in the right side of the window or the keyboard, set the number of copies of the current mini-marker to print.

This window is also used to manage print scale. If the option Entire sheet is selected, the scale is automatically adjusted so that mini-marker is placed on a sheet the best way possible. If this option is switched off, scale can be increased or decreased by using the scroll, as well as view the number of pages on which mini-marker will be placed using the window Page.

The mini-marker is printed on a selected printer by pressing the button En marker embim450.png.

Mini-marker title at the top will depend on a title listed on the server Setting - Layout - Print - Titles and Sets. Information that will be printed inside a piece on the mini-marker must also be recorded on the server Settings - Layout - Print - Pieces.Windows at the top show all options which can be written in the title of mini-marker and pieces. Having selected a required option, highlight it and send down by using an arrow. Everything to be printed on the mini-marker is displayed below. If something must be corrected, highlight the line in the lower section and send it up by using an arrow.

If a check mark is placed next to Display print, print of a layout (check, horizontal or vertical stripe) will be shown on the printed pages.

En marker embim451.png

If the layout contains sections and you need to print each section separately, place a check mark next to Sections separately, then select the section in the window En marker embim452.png which you wish to print. In preliminary view, the section is displayed as it is placed in a layout. If a check mark is placed next to Rotate sections, it will be printed as rotated by 90 degrees.

The button En marker embim453.png cancels printing the mini-marker.


Select En marker embim225.pngto exit the window without changes.


The button En marker embim226.pngautomatically launches and records model (order) layouts, and it is possible to view the state of layouts on the screen: if they contain crossing pieces, if layouts are finished, etc.


The button En marker embim227.pngallows queuing layouts, selected for drafting (To plotter) for plotter. The following window is displayed when this function is selected

En marker embim228.png

The left section contains the list of layouts, marked for drafting, and specification of a number of copies set. The central window displays the list of plotters available in the system, as well as their state (switched on/off). The right window shows the queue of a selected plotter. If a required plotter is currently switched off, it must be switched on, then the button Update must be pressed to display updated information in the window. The button To queue adds all marked layouts (taking into account the number of set copies) to the queue of a selected plotter. After this, queue state can be adjusted by using the buttons, located below the window Queue. The button En marker embim229.png places the selected layout to the beginning of the queue. The button En marker embim230.png removes a highlighted layout from the list, the button En marker embim231.png - deletes all layouts. Layout drafting is performed by using the button En marker embim232.png .

Table form

This view of the window Saved layouts allows viewing and changing some layout parameters: layout width, overlay type, coefficient of fabric shrinkage, type of piece output, fabric pattern, layout composition, additional layout parameters.

Table view is convenient to use because the user can form the table as required.

En marker embim233.png

Type and order of columns in this form is set in the window Program - Settings - Columns. Tab "Columns"

Finished layouts are marked with black color, all other layouts are highlighted with red.

Column width can be changed as required. To do so, place the mouse cursor on the border line of the column, the cursor view will change to En marker embim234.png, press and hold the left mouse button and drag the line to a required position.

Layouts can be sorted by any of the column parameters. To do so, click the required column and click its name with the left mouse button, the window will be rearranged according to the selected parameter in ascending or descending order.

En marker embim235.png


To create a common blank for several pieces (Superblank), do the following:

1. Place pieces on a layout canvas.

2. Select pieces for superblank.

Press the key En marker embim236.png and, while holding it, place the mouse cursor in the corner of an imagined rectangle, which contains all required pieces, and move the cursor diagonally after pressing and holding down the right mouse button, so that all required pieces are included.

En marker embim237.png

If pieces are fully included, the filling of pieces will change to check (selected pieces).

En marker embim238.png

If one or several pieces will not be fully selected, their filling will not change.

To select one piece, place the mouse cursor on the piece and press the key En marker embim239.png, or press the right mouse button and select the menu point INSERT-Selection.

En marker embim240.png

To cancel selection of one piece, place the mouse cursor over a piece and then press the key En marker embim241.png, or press the right mouse button and select the menu point INSERT-Selection.

3. Place the mouse cursor over one of the selected pieces, press the right mouse button and select the menu point Super blanks.Working window of the function will open.

En marker embim242.png

4. In the window Blank making :

Set the value Allowance by length and width. Selection can be made from an existing list. If an option Arbitrary is selected, required values must be input from the keyboard.

To form a rectangular blank, press the button Rectangle. Blank contour, located at a set distance from end points, will be formed around selected pieces.

En marker embim243.png

To form a blank, following the outer contour of pieces at a set distance, press the button Envelope line.

En marker embim244.png

It is possible to set blank parameters for each piece separately. To do so, place the cursor over a piece, press the right mouse button and select the menu point Set blank.

En marker embim245.png

Set parameters of forming a blank for a selected piece in the displayed window.

En marker embim246.png

If distance between pieces of a group is much bigger than the clearance, such pieces sometimes may not be joined in a superblank. In this case, move the scroll on the Precision scale to the right. Precision value by default equals the basic layout clearance.

After a superblank contour is formed, press the button Ready. Now the superblank (with all included pieces) can be moved and used as a single piece in a layout canvas.

En marker embim247.png

A previously formed superblank can be edited. To do so, place the cursor over any area of the superblank, press the right mouse button and select the menu point Superblank. Set new parameters and press Ready.

To delete a piece, included in a superblank, first cancel superblank action.

To cancel superblank, place a cursor over it, press the right mouse button and select the menu point Delete superblank.


It is possible to do the following when editing a created blank contour:

1. Delete one point. The distance between a previous and a following point will be locked in a straight line.

To do so, place the mouse cursor over a point (the point becomes highlighted with white) and press the right mouse button, select menu point Del-Delete point, or press the key En marker embim248.png after having set the cursor over the point (the point becomes highlighted with white).

2. Delete a group of points.

Place the mouse cursor over point 1 (the point becomes highlighted with white), press the right mouse button and select the menu point Start selection En marker embim249.png. Then place the mouse cursor over point 2 (the point becomes highlighted with white), press the right mouse button and select the menu point Finish selection.En marker embim250.png If incorrect selection is made, it can be canceled by using the function Cancel selection.En marker embim251.png

Point 2 must be located in a clock-wise direction on the blank contour, with reference to point 1. A portion of the contour between points 1 and 2 will be highlighted with red. Then press the right mouse button and select the menu point Delete selected.

En marker embim252.png

Now superblank will look as required

En marker embim253.png

3. Move a point.

Place the cursor over a point, hold down the left mouse button and move a point in a required direction.


The function Move allows moving pieces, superposing them by points. Press En marker embim254.png, other functions of the button menu will be blocked. Specify points for superposing pieces by clicking the left mouse button, first on the first piece, then on the second piece, after this pieces will be superposed at required points.

Points by which pieces need to be superposed En marker embim255.png

Superposing pieces En marker embim256.png

Exit this mode by pressing the button Move again.

ATTENTION! Pieces are moved if there is enough room in an overlay.

Show all

The program has several scaling options for the overlay panel.

If layout length exceeds screen size — click the button Show all En marker embim558.png. Scale of the overlay panel will change in such a way, that the entire layout fits the screen.

Scaling of separate areas. To zoom in to a particular area on a layout move the mouse cursor to a required spot and move the mouse cursor while holding down the right mouse button. A selection box will appear on the screen, it can be enlarged/made smaller without releasing the mouse button. When the box is of required size, release the mouse button. Layout area inside the box will be enlarged up to overlay panel size. Scroll of the scaling line will move up En marker embim559.png. To return to initial scale, do the following: either hold down (click and hold the left mouse button) the scroll and drag it down, or press the <F2> key - zoom out (<F3> - zoom in ).

To view the entire layout in enlarged scale, use the scroll lines, located to the right and at the bottom of the overlay panel. To view the layout area, beyond screen borders, it is also possible to use movement of an active piece. To do so, move an active piece and press it to the right (let) border of the visible layout portion.

If you try using a piece with an increased scale on the overlay panel, the program will display a warning “Piece cannot be placed”. In this case, decrease the scale of an overlay.

If necessary, zoom in to a particular spot on the piece panel the same way as on the overlay panel. In case zoom was used on both panels, the first click on the button En marker embim560.pngrestores the piece panel to its initial scale, the second click - the overlay panel.


When layouts are created for cutting with an automated cutting head (parameter For automatic mode is switched on) it is sometimes convenient to use the function Cut. It allows setting lines for precise cutting of the superblank.

First create an envelope line around the superblank without allowance and clearance.

En marker embim258.png

Check mark Clearance allows switching on (off) calculation of total clearance between pieces, specified in a layout, when an envelope line is formed.

Having selected the function En marker embim259.png, specify a required number of points on a formed superblank, through which the program will place straight cutting lines (in other words, two points must be set for each line). They will be marked with red color. When specifying cutting lines, mark points to decrease blank knife move: from point 1 to point 2, from point 2 to 3, from point 3 to 4, etc

En marker embim260.png

Having set cut lines, press the button Finish and we have a formed blank with common cutting lines. Pieces, joined in such a group, will be treated as a single piece in a layout, until the superblank is deleted.

En marker embim261.png