Marker:Layout window

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Layout window is meant to create, edit and print layout schemes. Window appearance depends on selected settings and the type of a layout, being created.

En marker embim262.png

The window has the following main sections:

Piece canvas. It displays pieces of selected sets, which must be laid out. Each separate set has its filling color, which can be changed in the program settings in the tab Color. Filling

Layout canvas ( “overlay”). It displays pieces as they are transferred from piece canvas. This way, layout scheme is being formed.

Button menu (control panel). Buttons of this panel allow performing a number of actions to change a layout, print it or save to disk.

Status panel (information line). It contains information about a layout: layout name, length, width, remnant percentage. Status panel allows copying a layout, changing width, without exiting the layout window.

Top dividing line. Here information about pieces on the piece panel is displayed, some buttons for managing this panel are also displayed.

Bottom dividing line. It contains information about pieces on an overlay panel.

Ratio of piece panel and overlay panel on the screen can be changed with the help of the button En marker embim263.png of the button menu. Their presence in the layout window depends on the option En marker embim264.png, located in the window Program - Settings - New. If the option is switched on, the buttons for changing the ratio are displayed in the layout window. By pressing this button, the top dividing line can be moved up or down, changing the panel ratio.

Piece scale in this case depends on the placement of the option En marker embim265.png in the same setting window. If it is switched on, pieces on the piece and overlay panels will be represented in the same scale, regardless of the panel width. In this case it is possible to evaluate visually, where a selected piece can be placed in a layout. However, when an overlay panel is very wide and there are many pieces in a set, they might not all fit on the screen, in this case piece panel can be viewed with the help of a scroll line, located at the top dividing line. If the option is switched off, scale of pieces on the piece panel will be automatically adjusted in such a way that all pieces of a set fit on the scree, however if panel widths are too different, scale of pieces displayed can be drastically different.

In this case, an option En marker embim266.png can be used, it is located in the window Program- Settings - Layout. With this option switched on, a piece, closest to the cursor on the piece panel, becomes active and is highlighted with white color. This way, if pieces on the piece panel are too small, the user does not need to move a cursor over a required piece directly, but can place it close to a piece.

With the option En marker embim267.png selected, the piece closest to the cursor on an overlay panel will be highlighted in the same manner.

Another option, which affects the appearance of a layout window, is located in the window Program - Settings - Layout. It is an optionEn marker embim268.png. If it is switched off, a red piece contour is displayed on the piece panel when a piece is moved to an overlay. If the option is switched on, piece contour remains on the piece panel only when a layout is created for a patterned fabric.