Marker:Data line
Below the overlay panel, a data line is located. This line displays basic information about a layout: name, width, current layout length, scrap percentage and indicators of the process of pressing pieces. Scrap percentage can be displayed as two options, depending on the program setting: either percentage of interspace waste, or percentage of raw material usage (window Program - Settings - Layout). The value before brackets shows scrap percentage for the current layout state, the value in brackets helps determine in advance scrap percentage of the created layout by placing any piece at the expected layout length.
Copy layout
To copy the current layout without exiting the layout window, click the current layout name with the left mouse button — layout name becomes highlighted with blue, delete it and enter a new name, then press the <Enter> key. The following dialogue window Next action will be displayed
in this window you can either simply Rename the current layout, or use Create with new name to create a new layout - a copy of the current layout, or create a temporary copy. Select Cancel to return to the current layout.
To have the program generate a new name, click the button and select a corresponding command in the displayed window Next action.
Temporary copy
To create a temporary layout copy, select the button with the same name in the dialogue window Next action. The window of the current layout will be saved under a new name. If required, it is possible to make several temporary copies of the same layout. Then after exiting a layout, the window Attention will display all created temporary copies, from which the user must make the selection to save by highlighting a required layout and pressing the button Save.
Selected temporary copy will be saved under the original layout name, all other copies will be deleted.
All created temporary copies can be viewed. To do so, select a layout and press the button , the Layout window will be displayed.
To remove a layout from the screen, click it with the left mouse button.
Display another layout
To display in the layout window another layout of the same model and material, open the drop-down menu Name, clicking the left mouse button on an “arrow” at the end of the box and select the name of the layout you wish to open from the displayed list.
Inquiry for saving the current layout will be displayed,
and then the selected layout will be launched at once.
Add layout
To add an already laid out layout to the current one, press the button and select a required layout in the window Layout selection to add.
It is possible to select layout by a current model and material – By model and material, by all existing models – By models, By name, By date.
When selecting layouts By model, it is possible to select them By range, By name, From entire list. Having selected By range, select a required option in the range list displayed below (by clicking the left mouse button), the window on the right will display a list of models, included in the current range. Select a required model.
Selection from the list By name is performed in the same manner.
When the option Entire list is selected, all models are displayed. It is possible to use the fast search box or a scroll to find a required model faster.
When an option Layouts (by name) is selected, model name must be selected in the window Template then press the button . Now the layout window will display a list of layouts for the current model. If first symbols of the model name are typed in the box Template and the option Matching by beginning is switched on, layout limited by the set parameters will be displayed in the layout window.
When selecting layouts by date, time frame must be set in the window From and To, then press . The list of layouts, created during this time, will be displayed in the layout window.
When selecting layouts By model and material, list of layouts for the current model and material will be displayed in the layout window. Select the required layout by the left mouse click and press Ready. An inquiry is displayed
When Copy is selected, the current layout will remain unchanged, and a second layout will be created including all changes made. When Do not copy is selected, all changes will be made to the current layout. Cancel exits without changes to the current layout.
It is possible to rotate an added layout by 180 degrees with the help of the option .
Gap value between an added layout and the existing one is set in the window Between layouts .
Layout rotation
ATTENTION: Layout rotation is possible only in overlay type Face to face and Fold.
To rotate an already laid out layout, press the button , the window Layout rotation will be displayed, there the user can select an option for layout rotation.
Rotate layout Vertically
By 180 degrees
By pressing layout is rotated,
exits the current window without changes.
Change width
To change the current layout width, click the mouse on the current width value and enter a new value using the keyboard, then press the <Enter> key. The program will display the following inquiry.
When Copy is selected, the current layout will remain unchanged, and a second layout will be created including all changes made. When Do not copy is selected, all changes will be made to the current layout. Cancel exits without changes to the current layout.
If pieces were placed on the overlay panel, they will be automatically rearranged according to the new width.
The side to which layout width changes can be selected in the Server Settings - Layout - Options - Change width from top.
Tentative length
It is possible to set a tentative length of layout or tentative scrap percentage (percentage of using raw material depending on settings in the Mark Program - Settings - Layout. If an option to display interspace waste percent is selected, interspace waste percent must be set; if percentage of raw material usage is selected, set the percentage of raw material usage in the table). When the button is pressed, the following window will be displayed on the screen
Here corresponding values can be entered in the boxes Set length or Set percentage and press the button . As a result, the overlay panel will have a green line at a distance set from overlay beginning, or at distance, equal to layout length with a specified scrap percentage. This line is tentative, in other words, it does not limit the length, pieces can be placed beyond it. It is also possible to press pieces to a set line.
Pressing the button sets the current layout length as a tentative length.
Set tentative line can be made invisible. To do so, select the button . It will change to
, and line will not be visible on the screen.
To delete a tentative line, enter "0" in the window Set length.