Marker:Control panel
- 1 Deletion
- 2 Settings
- 2.1 Maximum length
- 2.2 Scrap percentage
- 2.3 Gap between pieces
- 2.4 Seam allowance for parts, cut off the piece
- 2.5 Allowance for layout
- 2.6 Interlap for the partial sheets in the lay for a section
- 2.7 Permit rotation
- 2.8 Draft grainline
- 2.9 Permit grainline rotation
- 2.10 Show fabric pattern
- 2.11 Select last
- 2.12 Show hint
- 2.13 Set inspection
- 2.14 Sign pieces
- 2.15 Last line
- 2.16 Show cut numbers
- 2.17 Show contours being drafted
- 2.18 Show notches
- 2.19 Show all inner contours
- 2.20 Monitoring cross lines
- 2.21 Select pieces with non-standard gap
- 2.22 Smooth-fabric pattern
- 2.23 Preview
- 3 Piece parameters
- 4 Cancel selection
- 5 Rollback
- 6 Manage cutting
- 7 Create section
- 8 Create additional overlay
- 9 Warp line defect
- 10 Hint
- 11 Automatic layout
- 12 Press layout
- 13 Gap
- 14 Changing canvas width
- 15 Groups
- 16 Help
- 17 Minimize task
- 18 Exit
- 19 Automatic layout
- 20 New batch
- 21 Saved tasks
Control panel contains selection buttons.
Clicking the mouse on one of the buttons transforms the layout, or opens a dialogue window. The image on the button helps determine the function, performed by the button. Floating hints are also available. To view the hint, place the mouse cursor over a required button. In a few moments, a rectangle containing the button name will be displayed next to the button.
To clear an overlay, select the button Deletion, the window Attention is displayed. There are three tabs in this window.
The tab Normal: using the scroll, the user can determine which pieces (by size) will be removed from an overlay. If the scroll is in the far right position,all pieces will be removed. When the scroll moves to the let, you can set a particular spacing. Only pieces, included in this spacing, will be removed from an overlay.
By selecting Delete – delete all pieces from the overlay window, All free – place all pieces as temporarily fixed, Cancel - exit window without changes.
Tab Faulty becomes active if the layout was changed by the constructor and some of the pieces in the layout are intercrossed (highlighted with red).
Intercrossed pieces are deleted from an overlay in the displayed window Delete, Place free – place pieces in an overlay as temporarily fixed, Cancel – cancel deleting faulty pieces.
Tab Selected becomes active if some pieces were selected in the layout (check filling of pieces).
Select the function Delete – delete selected pieces from the overlay panel, Free – place selected pieces as temporarily fixed, Cancel – cancel deleting selected pieces from the overlay.
Selecting the button Settingsopens the window Layout parameters, in which it is possible to set parameters of the current layout. Settings are chosen by selecting required options in the setting window.
After the button is selected, settings become active. Selection of
leaves all settings unchanged.
Maximum length
Maximum length – this parameter allows setting a fixed length for a layout. Enter layout length in centimeters, a vertical stripe will be displayed on the overlay panel, this line limits the layout by the set value. This is a strict limitation, pieces cannot be placed beyond the set line, they can only be pressed against the line.
ATTENTION! Two parameters (Maximum length and Scrap percentage) cannot be set simultaneously because these are mutually exclusive values for the program. To cancel setting these parameter, enter "0" in both boxes.
Scrap percentage
Scrap percentage – is used when scrap percentage is set to determine the maximum length of a layout. Enter a required scrap percentage and press the button Ready. The program uses scrap percentage, total area of pieces from all sets and the layout width to calculate layout length, marking it with a vertical line on the overlay panel. When the window Layout parameters is opened again, exact value of the layout length will be displayed in the box Maximum length.
ATTENTION! These two parameters (Maximum length and Scrap percentage) cannot be set simultaneously, because these parameters are mutually exclusive for the program. To cancel setting of these parameters, enter "0" in both fields.
Gap between pieces
Gaps between pieces – select required gap in millimeters between pieces in a layout. Selected value
is displayed as current in the box for changing gap in the control panel .
Seam allowance for parts, cut off the piece
Seam allowance for parts, cut off the piece – allows selecting various seam values when cutting a piece into half. Standard values offered
are entered in the window Layout - Tables
in the settings of the program Server JULIVI, here in the box «Basic seam»
default allowance value is selected. This value can be replaced in the window of layout settings.
Allowance for layout
Allowance for layout - here it is possible to set losses for cutting canvas. If the Server setting Settings-Layout-Options-Consider allowance is switched on, layout length is listed with the specified allowance when setting allowance for layout (for example ) in the window of saved layouts.
Interlap for the partial sheets in the lay for a section
Interlap for the partial sheets in the lay for a section – it is possible to set value of such interlap for sections. In case if an overlay consists of several sections in length, this value corresponds to the length of their overlap.
Editing comments
Editing comments – it is possible to write or correct and existing comment for a layout. Layout description
Permit rotation
Permit rotation – rotation of pieces with reference to the grain line is limited by the parameter, set by the constructor. To ignore this limit, select the current mode; now commands for layout rotation will be displayed in the drop down menu on the overlay panel (parameter is switched on by default). An option to rotate a piece by 90 and 45 degrees is also regulated here. Piece rotations
Draft grainline
Draft grain line – determines whether grain line is displayed in an overlay.
Permit grainline rotation
Permit grain line rotations – with an overlay type Face up or Face down depending on the type of material, piece rotations by 180 degrees are possible. I parameter is switched on, rotation commands are displayed in the drop down menu. Layout rotation
Show fabric pattern
Show fabric pattern – this parameter determines whether canvas pattern is displayed (for layouts with fabric pattern).
Select last
Select last – with the mode switched on, the last piece of the layout will blink, this allows determining which piece affects the length of a layout.
Show hint
Show hint – having selected a layout for a hint, this parameter allows determining whether a hint is displayed. Hint
Set inspection
Set inspection – is used in the mode Special. With the parameter switched on, the program does not allow using layouts over set composition.
Sign pieces
Sign pieces – show parameter of the pieces displayed on the screen.
Last line
Last line – the line showing the current layout length is displayed with a switched on mode.
Show cut numbers
Show cut numbers – is used only in layouts for automated cutting. This parameter determines whether set cutting numbers are displayed or not.
Show contours being drafted
Show contours being drafted – with the switched on more, inner piece contours, marked as sight lines by the constructor, are displayed on the overlay panel.
Show notches
Show notches – with this mode switched on, notches will be displayed on pieces as round points.
Show all inner contours
Show all inner contours – with this mode switched on, all inner contours created by the constructor will be displayed on pieces in an overlay: black lines — inner contours, contour of “text” type,cut line (constructor lines); red lines — sight and cut line; red points — pin holes.
Monitoring cross lines
Monitoring cross lines – with the mode switched on, if cross lines are marked for a particular piece, other pieces in an overlay can be pressed to these lines. Mark cross lines
Select pieces with non-standard gap
Select pieces with non-standard gap – with this mode switched on, pieces placed on an overlay with a gap different from the current value, are selected.
Smooth-fabric pattern
If fabric pattern parameters were set for the current layout, the button becomes active, current fabric pattern parameters are written on it
. When this button is pressed, the window for correcting fabric pattern parameters is displayed. Fabric pattern
To print a layout scheme on the printer (such scheme is called mini-marker), press the button . The window Print is displayed on the screen.
In case your computer has output to several printers, required printer can be selected in the drop-down menu in the window Printer.
Using the window Number of copies and arrows in the right side of the window or the keyboard, set the number of copies of the current mini-marker to print.
This window is also used to manage print scale. If the option Entire sheet is selected, the scale is automatically adjusted so that mini-marker is placed on a sheet the best way possible. If this option is switched off, scale can be increased or decreased by using the scroll, as well as view the number of pages on which mini-marker will be placed using the window Page.
The mini-marker is printed on a selected printer by pressing the button .
Mini-marker title at the top will depend on a title listed on the server Setting - Layout - Print - Titles and Sets. Information that will be printed inside a piece on the mini-marker must also be recorded on the server Settings - Layout - Print - Pieces.Windows at the top show all options which can be written in the title of mini-marker and pieces. Having selected a required option, highlight it and send down by using an arrow. Everything to be printed on the mini-marker is displayed below. If something must be corrected, highlight the line in the lower section and send it up by using an arrow.
If a check mark is placed next to Display print, print of a layout (check, horizontal or vertical stripe) will be shown on the printed pages.
If the layout contains sections and you need to print each section separately, place a check mark next to Sections separately, then select the section in the window which you wish to print. In preliminary view, the section is displayed as it is placed in a layout. If a check mark is placed next to Rotate sections, it will be printed as rotated by 90 degrees.
The button cancels printing the mini-marker.
If mini-marker for a given layout was already printed, the top button of the window becomes active.
It contains date and time of the last printing, if this button is pressed, the window containing full information about printing mini-marker of the current layout is displayed on the screen.
To preview a mini-marker, press the button . Mini-marker preview is displayed on the screen.
With the help of the button this information is saved in a separate file to exchange information between enterprises. The button
closes the preview window.
Piece parameters
It is convenient to use the function Program- Piece parameters of the main program text menu, if an enterprise is always working with stripes and checks, and has set values of growing pieces for particular types of fabric pattern. View
ATTENTION! When using this function the order of the piece name database and careful input of intervals for pattern repeat distance is important.
When this function is selected, the working window is displayed on the screen
It necessary, a report can be viewed by pressing the button , the following window is displayed :
This report gives information about area of pieces, placed in an overlay, their length and number. If a piece was placed to an overlay with growing (blank), it is possible to view information about such piece (Area) and its initial value (Initial area).
Top of the window contains a number of commands:
Change document scale to view on the screen.
With the help of the command «Print» the report can be printed.
Close the window «Piece parameters».
The button prints a formed report.
Cancel selection
After pieces are selected in a group on the piece panel or on the overlay panel and actions with a group are finished, piece selection can be canceled by pressing the button Cancel selection .
The program has an option of rollback, returning to the previous layout state step-by-step, up to the point when it was launched. The function is performed by pressing the button Rollback a required number of times.
Manage cutting
The program has a set of functions to optimize automated cutting. To use them, they must be listed in the license (point Mark - Managing knife), as well as switched on in the settings of the program «Server JULIVI», in the window Layout - Options, option .
In order for these functions to be available, when creating a layout for automated cutting, set the flag For automatic mode in the window New layout or in the window Saved layout , first having highlighted a required layout. After this, the button managing cutting becomes active in the layout window on the control panel.
In the window Setting tab Layout it is possible to gap, which will be used for creating layout for automatic mode by default.
ATTENTION! It is better to use the mode of managing cutting after a layout is fully placed!
When using the cutting optimization mode, the following window is displayed on the screen
With its help it is possible to set default cutting parameters. If necessary, some of these parameters can be switched off, by unmarking a required check mark. It is possible to confirm set parameters by using the button , to cancel use the button
Setting of default parameters is done in the program «Server JULIVI» in the window Settings-Layout-Cut.
Here it is possible to select default parameters for knife entry and run direction for a piece. Piece numbering by default is set automatically.
Confirm selected settings with the button . Exit the function without changing settings by using
Default cutting parameters are set when entering the mode to manage cutting - the button or when saving a layout.
Most functions for cutting optimization can be performed from the floating menu of the overlay menu, as well as with the help of specific (so called "hot") keyboard keys. A key, performing a certain function, is recorded next to the function name in the floating menu. If necessary, "hot" keys can be set differently in the window Program - Setting - Keyboard. Tab "Keyboard"
To display the floating menu, click the right mouse button in any area of the overlay panel, if the function does not refer to a particular piece, or click on a required piece. Then select a required function by clicking the left mouse button on a corresponding line of the floating menu. Order of function performance is the same as when selecting from the control panel.
Point of knife entry
When default knife entry points are not suitable, they can be changed with the help of the function . When the function is selected the window is displayed on the screen
Required position of knife entry can be selected here.
Cancel– cancel all changed and restore point of knife entry to the initial position, in other words, to the constructor's zero point on a piece.
Bottom left – set point of knife entry in the bottom left corner of a piece for all pieces.
Top left – set point of knife entry in the top left corner of a piece for all pieces.
Bottom right – point of knife entry in the bottom right corner of a piece for all pieces.
Top right – point of knife entry in the top right corner of a piece for all pieces.
For SPUTNIK – specific setting for an automated cutting complex SPUTNIK. In this case, for pieces being cut in a clockwise direction, knife entry point is set in the top right corner of a piece, for pieces being cut in a counter clockwise direction - in the bottom right corner.
Manual mode – mode of setting the knife entry point on a piece manually. Having selected it, click a required piece. The following window is displayed:
Here selected piece is presented as enlarged, all constructor's points are specified. Points with notches are marked as squares, without notches - as circles. The current point of knife entry is marked by red color. To select a different point, click it with the left mouse button and press the button . With the option For all corresponding pieces selected, new point of knife entry is assigned for all sets of the selected piece. The button
cancels the function.
Run direction
Run order for a piece.
By default, the head of the cutting table moves in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction when cutting a piece corner. The function allows changing the order of cutting pieces. When the function is selected, the following window is displayed:
Here required option of knife entry can be selected.
Different direction for paired – if there are two paired pieces (right and left), they will be cut in different directions.
All in counter clockwise direction – all pieces in an overlay will be cut in a counter clockwise direction.
All in clockwise direction – all pieces of an overlay will be cut in a clockwise direction.
Pair by numbers – cutting direction is selected depending on the numbering of pieces: odd pieces are cut in a counter clockwise direction, even - in a clockwise direction.
Pair by sets – cutting direction is set depending on the set number: unpaired pieces of odd sets are cut in a clockwise direction, even - in a counter clockwise direction, paired pieces of all sets are cut in opposite direction.
Manual mode – mode for manual setting of the direction to cut pieces.
To change run direction to opposite, command Change direction of the floating menu can be used. Move the mouse cursor over a piece, for which cutting direction must change, open the floating menu and select the point Change direction, or - without displaying the floating menu - press the active key <Space> — piece filling turns black. To change the direction for a piece, click it with the left mouse button. Cutting direction changes to opposite.
To improve cutting quality, symmetrical pieces are sometimes cut symmetrically, in other words, top and bottom side of a piece are cut in opposite directions. To set symmetrical cutting for a piece, point the cursor over it, and click the right mouse button. The floating menu, where the function must be selected, is displayed on the screen
The same can be done by pressing the <S> key on the keyboard. After symmetrical cutting is set, green line is displayed in the middle of a piece. Repeat function performance cancels symmetrical cutting of a piece.
Do not cut piece
Sometimes it is required not to cut all pieces in an overlay. To cancel cutting of a particular piece use the function . Having selected it, click a required piece with the left mouse button. Piece view changes to the following
The function can also be performed by using the floating menu:
The <С> key of the keyboard is also used. Repeat function performance for the same piece makes it available for cutting.
Set sections not to be cut
Sometimes it is required to cancel cutting a portion of a piece contour, this refers, for example, to general piece sections, placed in an overlay with zero gap. The function is used for this. It has two operational modes – automatic and manual forming of sections not to be cut.
Automatic mode is used when piece contour has sections, cutting which can cause a piece to be overcut, for example:
In this case, when knife moves along the entire contour, a piece can be overcut:
But if the knife does not reach the corner by an overcut value, this piece will be cut in a better way:
When the function is selected, the following window is displayed:
If sections not to be cut are formed automatically, enter required data in the window Border corner of knife rotation (maximum value of the corner, for which this function will be performed) and Knife indention (mm) (value, by which the knife will not reach the contour corner), and then press the button . Formed sections not to be cut will be displayed in green on the pieces. If formed sections are not required, they can be deleted with the help of the button
To set uncut sections manually, press the button , then click the left mouse button on a required section. The following window is displayed:
Selected piece appears in an increased scale, all constructor's points are shown. Points with notches are marked with squares, without notches - with circles. To set an uncut section on a piece, specify the start and the end point of such section in a clockwise direction using the left mouse clicks. Specified section will be marked with red. To confirm, press the button .
The button allows entering the mode of automatic creation of uncut sections.
The button deletes all previously created uncut sections.
The button cancels the function.
The function can also be performed by using the floating menu:
or with the help of the hot key <X>.
Set knife exit
With the help of the function it is possible to set knife exit, or sections, where knife cuts an overlay from a specified piece point to the edge.
ATTENTION! This function is available only for automated cutting complex SPUTNIK.
To use the function, select the button and click the left mouse button on a piece, from which knife exit will be set. The following window will be displayed:
Selected piece is presented in enlarged scale, where all constructor's points are specified. Points with notches are marked with squares, without notches - with circles.
To set a line of knife exit, click the point on a piece, from which this line begins. The line will be marked with red color.
In case this line crosses other pieces on an overlay, it will not be created and the program will display a message:
The switch is automatically set in a required position.
Overcut value – is distance (in mm), which knife must pass after exiting an overlay border. This value is set in the box .
To save set information, press the button . Set lines of knife exit will be marked on the overlay panel with green.
If set lines are not required, they can be deleted by using the button . To delete one set line, click again a corresponding piece point in the window Setting exit points.
The button cancels the function.
The function can also be performed by using the floating menu:
or by using the <Z> key.
Set cutting order
When switching to the mode of automatic cutting, the program sets the cutting order automatically. The number displayed on each piece determines the order in which pieces will be cut. If you do not like the automatic piece numbering, it can be changed by using the button . The following window is displayed on the screen:
Clear current numbering – piece numbering is fully cleared. To set new numbering, click pieces in a required order with the left mouse button.
Number automatically – the function restores automatic numbering.
Use mode – launches mode of manual numbering correction.
After a required function is selected in the window of numbering operations, press the button . The button
cancels operations with numbering.
The function of manual correction of piece numbering can be opened from the floating menu of the overlay panel.
If entire numbering of the layout must be changed — select the point Clear numbering - cutting numbers on each piece will be cleared.
If numbering of some pieces must be changed, select the point Clear last— piece, having the last number in order, will be cleared. The same can be done by using the <Delete> key — press the <Delete> key several times to remove numbering of required pieces.
Now to set required numbering, click each piece with the left mouse button, according to the required cutting order.
ATTENTION! Manual setting of cutting order is possible only for some of the automated cutting machines.
To exit the mode of editing cutting numbering, click the button Cutting order on the control panel again. Pieces, for which cutting number was not set, will be highlighted with red contour and clear filling. In order for cutting numbers to be visible in a regular layout mode, select the option next to the point Show cutting numbers in the window Layout parameters. Show cutting numbers
Create section
For more convenient cutting, a layout can be divided into sections. A section is a finished section of the layout canvas, which can be repeated several times. A section can be formed from the start of layout canvas or from the border of a previously created section.
To mark a section, click the left mouse button on the button of the control panel after pieces of the section are placed on the layout canvas — the overlay panel now displays a vertical line, which moves (from right to left) with moves of the mouse, and is a section border. After the left mouse click,, the screen will display the window Section parameters, where section allowance must be selected. It is also possible to set section length, if necessary.
If section allowance and its length are not set, section border will be automatically set by the current layout length. To set allowance of an arbitrary length, set the switch on Arbitrarily and type required value in the window Section allowance.
ATTENTION! A section can be created only if an overlay contains placed pieces. If a user attempts to create a section on a blank overlay section, the program will display the following message:
With a piece output type set as Basic, composition of pieces is strictly monitored in the layout window, so it is not possible to increase the number of pieces — filed of creating section repeats is blocked, it is possible to specify only section length.
When pressing the button Continue the program will return to the mode where number of pieces in a section is monitored (movement of a vertical line).
When the button Cancel is pressed, the mode of forming a section will be canceled.
After the button Create section is pressed, section formation will be finished, a created section will be highlighted with blue, length and number of section repeats will be displayed under the section area.
To delete a section, set the cursor on the section area and select the command Delete section in the floating menu. It is possible to delete only the last section. When all pieces are deleted from layout, sections are removed automatically.
Section repeat
It is possible to set the number of section repeats only if type of piece output is set as Special. After several repeats of a section are set, the following window is displayed
and the number of pieces placed in a section increases by a set number of repeats.
Section with crossover
The setting of the parameter Section crossover, located in the setting window of a layout,is important to form a section. If this parameter equals zero, section border will pass between pieces and it cannot cross a piece. If value, different from zero is set, section border can cut off a portion of a piece, length of which is set within the specified value.
In case an overlay by length is formed from several fabric pieces, they are placed with crossover. When creating a layout or such an overlay, sections are created with a crossover. To switch on this option, activate an option in the settings of the program Server JULIVI, window Layout- Options. In this case, the floating menu of the overlay panel will have points Beginning of current section, End of current section.
Operations order in this mode as follows:
1. Create sections on a layout, specifying their lengths.
2. To set section crossover, display floating menu in the field of a required section by clicking the right mouse button, select the function Beginning of current section or End of current section, depending on the section border, where crossover must be set.
3. After the function selection, the cursor view changes to . Move it to a required place of a layout and set the border with the left mouse click.
4. If necessary, change the border of the adjacent section the same way.
It is possible to change the length of a created section by a particular piece by setting the cursor on the section area and selecting the command End of current section from the floating menu. After the function selection, the cursor view changes to . Specify a piece, by which the section length is set, by clicking the left mouse button. If several sections are created, it is possible to change the Beginning of current section.
If a crossover value for a section is set in the window Layout parameters (distance, by which a new piece can crossover into the created section), sections will be created on account of the set value.
Create additional overlay
Some factories use layouts with additional overlays, where particular pieces can be placed. Here the number of layers differs from the main overlay. Forming overlays is similar to forming sections. To form overlays, use the button of the control panel.
Warp line defect
The program allows to account for warp line defect (dying irregularity, snag, etc) which happens in actual canvas when forming a layout scheme. For this mode to be available, select the option Warp line defect in the program Server JULIVI.
To mark warp line defect of the canvas, click the button Warp line defect on the control panel and edit parameters in the displayed window:
To set a new line, click the button Add and add distance in centimeters from the bottom edge of canvas in the available box.
To delete a line, highlight a required value and click the button Delete.
To exit the window Line parameters without saving changes, use the command Cancel.
For parameters to be applied click the button Ready.
Warp line defect is displayed on the overlay panel as horizontal lines, located at set distance with reference to the lower edge of overlay canvas (first), or from the previous line.
When forming a layout, pieces will be automatically pushed out from these lines. If you need to place a piece for set lines to cross it, hold the <Ctrl> key and the left mouse button while placing a piece.
Hint mode, launched by using the button , allows using a previously created layout as a hint. This is convenient when you create in succession layouts of the same model with different piece sets or want to repeat an optimal layout of a similar model. There are two hint modes: manual - Display hint and automatic Copy hint.
Let's review manual hint mode step-by-step. After clicking the button , the window Selecting layouts for hint is displayed on the screen.
Attention! It is possible to use a layout with the similar overlay type for a hint.
The top section of the window has a list of layouts, from which one must be selected for a hint. Against each layout, sets of the layout, width, length and scrap percentage are displayed.
Using options of the panel Layout selection, find a required layout. Click it once with the left mouse button - the layout will be highlighted with blue marker.
If layout you are creating and/or layout-hint consist of several sets, set compliance between layout compositions. To do so, click the button Set composition compliance, the following window will be displayed:
The program displays its version of set compliance. If you accept the suggested option, click the button Ready. If you wish to change compliance, click the button — sets will move to the top window section. Select a particular set in the current layout in the left list, in the right section - corresponding set in layout-hint. Click the button
— sets will be displayed in the lower list. Binding between all sets is created.
Click the button Display hint in the window Select layout for hint — layout-hint will be marked on the overlay panel with grey color (in case if the option Hint in additional window is switched off in the window Program-Setting-Layout).
If this option is switched on, layout-hint will be displayed as a separate window on top of the piece panel.
When placing a piece, it automatically takes the place, corresponding to it in the layout-hint.
If you decide not to use the hint, open the window Layout for hint and select the command Clear — layout window will return to a regular operation mode.
ATTENTION! If the width of layout-hint is different from the width of the current layout, two operations options are possible. With the option Correct width for hint in the window Program -Setting-Layout switched off, layout-hint will be displayed without correcting width. If different is too big, some pieces can be outside of overlay borders. If selected option is switched on, layout-hint will be corrected for a current width, piece scale will change and when being placed by hint, they can cross or be placed with large gaps.
Copying hint
Layout by hint is also used in the automatic mode - Copy hint.
Unlike the manual hint mode, the program places pieces of a created layout on corresponding pieces of layout=hint automatically.
Operations order for selecting layout-hint and setting set compliance is the same as for manual mode. After layout-hint is selected press the button Copy hint, all pieces are automatically placed in an overlay according to the layout-hint.
This mode has a parameter Delete scheme from copying. If it is switched on, hint scheme is deleted from the screen after pieces are copied.
If parameters of the current layout and layout-hint are different, when hint is being copied, some pieces can cross over each other. Such pieces become temporarily fixed.
If layout-hint contains pieces, used as blanks, layout is copied with the same parameters. To ignore this condition, switch on the function Do not copy blanks with hint.
Show all
The program has several scaling options for the overlay panel.
If layout length exceeds screen size — click the button Show all . Scale of the overlay panel will change in such a way, that the entire layout fits the screen.
Scaling of separate areas. To zoom in to a particular area on a layout move the mouse cursor to a required spot and move the mouse cursor while holding down the right mouse button. A selection box will appear on the screen, it can be enlarged/made smaller without releasing the mouse button. When the box is of required size, release the mouse button. Layout area inside the box will be enlarged up to overlay panel size. Scroll of the scaling line will move up . To return to initial scale, do the following: either hold down (click and hold the left mouse button) the scroll and drag it down, or press the <F2> key - zoom out (<F3> - zoom in ).
To view the entire layout in enlarged scale, use the scroll lines, located to the right and at the bottom of the overlay panel. To view the layout area, beyond screen borders, it is also possible to use movement of an active piece. To do so, move an active piece and press it to the right (let) border of the visible layout portion.
If you try using a piece with an increased scale on the overlay panel, the program will display a warning “Piece cannot be placed”. In this case, decrease the scale of an overlay.
If necessary, zoom in to a particular spot on the piece panel the same way as on the overlay panel. In case zoom was used on both panels, the first click on the button restores the piece panel to its initial scale, the second click - the overlay panel.
Automatic layout
This window allows forming tasks for an automatic layout, change its parameters. When the option Automatic layout is selected in the main menu of the program Automated Workstation «Mark», the following drop-down menu is displayed:
For constructor
For the constructor: the program creates a rectangle for each piece (based on overall size) in this mode, these rectangles are placed in an overlay. After operations in this mode are finished, layout can be pressed by using the button to lessen scrap percentage.
If the parameter Use only one piece is selected, the actions are similar to the parameter For constructor For constructor (if layout is created in the mode "for constructor", the parameter is switched on by default), in other words, when layout scheme is automatically formed for paired pieces in an overlay, only one cutting detail is used.
With the parameter Permit grain line rotation pieces in layout can be rotated by 90 degrees (for more efficient layout).
In this mode it is possible to set a required length of the layout. Enter layout length in the field Maximum length, now the process of placing pieces will take place within limits of a set value. If pieces cannot be placed on such length, the program will display the message “Pieces cannot be placed on this length”.
Search time (sec) - maximum time required for searching the most efficient layout can be set.
Autolayout: in this mode, pieces are automatically placed on the overlay panel with minimal scrap percentage. The program goes through all possible options for piece placement during the time, listed in the window Calculation time, the best of these options is displayed on the screen. Calculation time can be changed depending on selected layout parameters.
The left part of the window Parameters of automatic layout contains the list of piece names, used in the current layout. To the right of the piece are listed values of parameters, with which a layout will be placed:
1. Slant in degrees.
2. Gap in mm.
3. Rotation in degrees.
Calculation time – maximum time required to search the most efficient layout scheme, set in Program-Setting-Automated. Calculation time changes depending on the number of pieces in a layout.
Permit rotations – option to set rotation angle for a piece by 180, 90 or 45 degrees.
Gaps – current gap between pieces in a layout is set.
Slant – deviation from grain line is set (rotation by a small angle).
Set for all – switches on or off selected settings for the entire list of pieces in the layout.
If it is necessary to select particular settings for separate pieces in a layout, switch off the parameter Set for all.Select a separate piece (or pieces), by placing a check mark to the left of it, and change required settings.
If different settings must be set for different pieces:
– deselect parameter Set for all.
– place check mark by the first piece (place check mark) and set required settings.
– uncheck this piece.
– select the next piece (place check mark) and set required settings.
– uncheck this piece.
Attention! If a piece is not unchecked after selecting settings, and the user proceeds changing settings for the next piece, last settings will be saved on for the previous piece.
Place – option to select conditions of piece layout:
Not placed – only pieces from the piece panel are placed. If pieces were partially placed in a layout, they remain in place, and pieces from the piece panel are automatically placed in a layout.
Placed – only pieces, located on the overlay panel, are automatically placed.
All – all pieces are automatically placed to a layout (from the piece and overlay panel).
If the button Save is pressed, all set layout parameters will be saved, the window Parameters of automatic layout will close, but layout will not be laid out. To place a layout, launch it again.
After all required parameters are set for autolayout, press the button Normal. Process of automatic layout is launched and the window Autolayout is displayed.
Parameter Result displays layout length with a selected percentage of raw material usage (filling in the layout). After processing possible layout options is done and the most efficient is selected, the window closes and a ready layout is displayed on the screen. Process of automatic layout can be canceled by pressing Stop. Ready layout will be displayed on the screen.
Press layout
When finishing placing layouts on the overlay canvas, to press pieces automatically press the button . The window will be displayed.
To simply press layout, press the button Perform in the tab Pressing. To stop the process, press the button , which replaces the button
while pieces are being pressed.
It is also possible to use the function of pressing piece to increase gap between separate pieces. For example, gap must be increased in a placed layout for small details. Select the tab Increase gap and set gap by which places must be spread in the displayed window , scaling controller allows increasing piece scale for spreading (only small or all).
Press Perform, pieces on an overlay are highlighted and the lower panel displays % of operation progress (time depends on the number of pieces being spread) and selected pieces are moved.
ATTENTION! Pieces on the layout panel cannot be used while pressing pieces. This can cause the program to freeze up. Wait until pieces are pressed or stop the process, now pieces can be moved.
It is also possible to spread layout horizontally or vertically. To do so, select a corresponding point in the tab Spreading and window Spread and press the button Perform.
Line with arrows will be displayed on the screen, moving this line makes layout pieces active. Having activated a required portion of layout, which must be moved, press the left mouse button to display the window Spreading parameters.
In this window, specify distance of piece movement in millimeters and press the button Perform. Selected pieces will be moved depending on the selection made: down - for vertical parameter, to the right - for horizontal parameter.
If you want to change selection area of pieces, press the button Continue.
Cancel piece selection by using the button Cancel.
In this window current gap between pieces in tenth fraction of millimeter is displayed, in other words, the current value of the box must be multiplied by 0,1. Here it is also possible to change the current gap, without displaying the window Layout parameters— use the buttons, located to the right of gap value.
The program also has basic and additional gap. Additional gap is used when several pieces must be placed with a gap, different from the basic gap of a layout. For example, rectangular pieces are usually placed with zero gap for more convenient cutting. Value of additional gap is determined in the point Program - Settings - Layout and usually equals the gap value, which corresponds to zero value. To place a piece with zero gap, it must be pressed to another piece with a held down <Alt> key.
Changing canvas width
To zoom in to the overlay panel width, set the cursor at and click the left mouse button. Image on the overlay panel will be increased and the piece panel image will be decreased accordingly. Repeat this action N number of times to generate a required size. To zoom out the overlay image, click the button
Image scale can be changed with the help of the black line, dividing the piece panel and the overlay panel. Place the mouse cursor on the line, its view will change to and drag it to a required position while holding down the left mouse button — mutual scaling of the piece panel and the overlay panel will take place.
When working with a layout, it is possible to create several groups o layout and use them as separate pieces. To do so, select the option in the settings of the program «Server JULIVI», in the window Layout - Options. Now the button
will be activated in the layout window on the control panel.
To create a group, first place pieces on an overlay, then press the button Groups on the control panel. Then click a piece with the right mouse button and select the function Create group from the floating menu , the click a piece again and select the function Add to group from the floating menu. Then select all required pieces by using the function Add to group. This way, the first group of pieces is created.
To create the second group, select the point Create group again and repeat all actions as with the first group. Different groups look as selected pieces with different crosshatching.
If you need to remove a piece from the group, this can be done with the help of the function Delete from group .
The function Delete group deletes the selected group of pieces, Delete all groups deletes all created groups.
All actions to create and remove groups can be performed with the help of the hot keys <G>, <Z>, <A>, <W>, <Q>. The key, performing a particular function, is recorded next to the function menu in the floating menu.
After all groups are created, press the button Groups on the control panel, now you can perform operations with the groups you created as with regular pieces, only difference is that group movement is done with the help of the right mouse button. If you need to move pieces within the group, use the left mouse button.
Having selected the point Program-Help of the program menu, it is possible to use hints when working with the program.
A hint is displayed on the screen as a window, where required information can be read.
To display a hint for operations with a current command, place the cursor over the button or window and press F1.
Minimize task
If a different program must be launched while working, it is possible to minimize the layout window to tray by pressing the button , now the program icon is displayed on the task bar
. Double click of the mouse button on this icon restores the layout window. When working in other program windows, standard buttons of window control are used, they are located in the top right corner of the window —
Minimize. Minimizes the program window to tray. To restore previous size and window position, click its name on the task bar, which is usually located at the bottom of the screen.
Maximize. Increase window to full screen.
Close. Closes the window.
The option of minimizing the current layout can be switched off in the window Program - Setting - General, the option Minimize layout.
To exit the program use the menu Exit of the main program menu.
Automatic layout
This window allows forming tasks for an automatic layout, change its parameters. When the option Automatic layout is selected in the main menu of the program Automated Workstation «Mark», the following drop-down menu is displayed:
New batch
Task batch for autolayout is formed in this window. Selecting New batch displays the window Setting layouts for automatic machine.
It is possible to select layouts by all existing models – By models, By name, By date. When selecting layouts By model, selection can be done By range, By name, From entire list.
When model is selected By name in the window Template, type model name and press the button . List of layouts for the current model will be displayed in the layout window. If first symbols of the model name are typed in the box Template, and the option Match by beginning is selected, layouts limited by set parameters will be displayed.
When layouts are selected by date in the window From, To, time range must be set, then press the button. List of layouts created during this time period will be displayed.
The top part of the window has the list of layouts. Next to each layout name is information about sets of the layout, width, length, and scrap percentage.
To form layout batch for an automatic machine, enter required number in the window Task number. After selecting a model in the layout window, highlight required layouts and press the button . Selected layouts are transferred to the window Layouts for automatic machine. If a layout must be deleted from the batch, select it and press the button
Pressing the buttons ,
places to or removes from the list all layouts.
Pressing the button Autolayout parameters displays the window with the same name, where terms of autolayout are selected. Autolayout
After the list of layouts for autolayout is formed and required parameters are selected, press the button Save. The batch is formed.
Saved tasks
Selecting Saved tasks displays the window Batches for automatic layout calculation.
The window on the left has the list of batches for autolayout, formed in New batch. New batch
Having selected a required batch (by clicking the left mouse button), the window on the right displays layouts, included in this batch.
Select a layout from the batch, press the button to change autolayout parameters in the displayed window. Autolayout
Press the button to edit a selected batch in the displayed window (add or remove layouts). New batch
To delete a batch for autolayout, select it in the list (click the left mouse button) and press the button . The following inquiry is displayed:
When answering Yes, the batch is deleted, when selecting No, the batch remains unchanged.
o launch autolayout, select a batch and press the button . All layouts of the current batch will be launched and automatically laid out one by one.