Constructor:Program settings
Settings and operating modes can be changed in the program. This provides the maximum convenience during work.
The programme user request can be set in the settings of the support program “Utility” (“Global settings/General programs “Utilities”).

Then, the constructor’s (i.e. User’s) name will be requested when the “Constructor” program is started, and every user can set the program operating modes which are convenient for him/her.
In order to call up settings, select the “Setting/Program parameters” text menu item. The settings window will be displayed on the screen.

The settings window consists of several tabs:
Color pallet – color settings (colors of pieces, outlines, coordinate axis, etc.)
Plotter – settings for piece printout
General – general program settings
Seam algebra - settings for working with the “Seam algebra” and “Calculator” table
Hot keys – setting the most frequently used commands for keys on the keyboard.
In order to save settings for the next start of the “Constructor” program, be sure to press the “SAVE” button before exiting the settings window. For temporary changing of parameters press the “YES” button.
Buttons of the settings window bottom panel:
- saves all this User’s settings in electronic form.
User. ini file is created by the path specified by the constructor
- reads settings previously saved in the file.
Color Pallet
The “Color pallet” tab allows editing the program color score. When clicking with the cursor on the icon of the element whose color needs to be changed, the name and setting of the element are displayed at the bottom of the settings window:

You can just open the list in this element window by clicking on the arrow to the right from the list and selecting the required element in the dropdown list. Clicking the cursor in the Color window allows changing the color of any element in the list, by selecting the required type in the special window:

- setting of the color for the line screen groups (or sizes: the color score provides a special color for each size).
- setting of the color for pieces (or materials) in the order of their displaying on the screen.
- setting of colors for active and unchangeable pieces.
Ø - switches of the type of piece output to the plotter or printer.
Ø - scale for piece output to the printer for printing.
Ø - creation of an HPGL file for its transfer and printing at another company (without use of the plotter control program).
Ø - consider outline types ( drawing or cutting). A switch for working with the cutting plotter. In the “Draw and cut” mode the outlines to be drawn (grain, legend) will be drawn, while the ones to be cut (the cut) will be cut.
Ø - this setting is adjusted in accordance with the plotter manual.
Ø - scaling and mirror reflection of pieces when drawing. This setting is used depending on the plotter type.
Ø - displacement of pieces when drawing from the paper edge.
Ø - deactivation of the Operating cut and Shadow outlines drawing.
Ø - the size of the Text outline when drawing pieces.
Ø - sets the size of the sheet for drawing,
Ø Drawing parameters used in the “Design” program only: Point Size, Inscription Parameters and Rough Cutting Parameters.
The “General” tab is divided into three tabs: General – general settings of the “Constructor” and “Design” programs, Constructor for the “Constructor” program, and Design for the “Design” program.
Ø - the accuracy of linear value output when measuring. Rounding to tenths, hundredths or thousandths.
Ø - measurement units in the program.
Ø - modes of displaying working messages on the screen.
The “Screen” mode: Messages are displayed at once during function execution.
The “Button” mode: Messages are displayed on the screen only when button of the screen button menu is selected. The button becomes active at the moment when a message appears:

Ø - the operating mode with accompanying sound during execution of commands or without it. The sound signal for message and request displaying can be deactivated in Windows general settings.
Ø - the direction of the grain when creating a new piece using the “Assemble piece” function (
) of the “CONSTRUCTING” tab.
Ø - the size of points on the screen.
Ø - the time of pop-up tips displaying for button menu functions.
Ø - specifies the required input language combination for automatic switching in the cells for digital and text values.
For example, in the program function cells where text input is required – Russian, in the cells for input of digits – English. The main input language specified on the machine is English, while any language set in the machine can be selected from the setting drop-down list (Ukrainian, Russian) as an additional language (for text input).
In order to cancel this switching, select the “No” position for the setting. For example, in the English version of the program this switch makes no sense.
Ø - the time of piece auto saving on the screen (1 minute or more). If the time equals to 0, auto saving is deactivated.
Piece auto saving is performed simultaneously for all models displayed in several working windows. During execution of different functions auto saving does not work. If the time has come for auto saving, it will be performed after completion of the current function (after deactivation of the cursor).
During auto saving the Screen Undo () is locked, while rollback deleting should be deactivated in the “CONSTRUCTOR” tab for performing of the Step-by-step sellback (
ATTENTION! A situation may arise when auto saving has already operated right before piece removing from the screen WITHOUT SAVING (). For example, a piece BACK copy is displayed on the screen for viewing and verification. And instead of deleting it WITHOUT SAVING we are at risk of saving it automatically and replacing the main piece with it!
Similarly, if the setting for piece saving when removing from the screen (in the CONSTRUCTOR tab) is deactivated; pieces may still be automatically saved, right before clearing the screen, if the time for saving has come.
Ø - positioning of the data input dialog on the screen when executing program functions
Ø - setting for displaying the line positive direction on the screen when specifying the piece element (arrows in points) This allows determining the value input sign on OPEN outlines immediately when executing various functions.

Ø - Synchronization of the text and button menu operation. When selecting a function in the text menu, the tab and function of the button menu will be selected automatically.
Ø - screen scaling parameters. Activation of the limitation setting specifies the value of the maximum scale for the image on the screen (up to 10:1).
If the scale limitation is deactivated, you can see the function execution errors whose values are virtually equal to zero and do not require any correction
When 1:1 scale is entered, image will be obtained (with regard to the screen parameter settings)
Ø - the color mode of the currently active tab.
The range of colors is determined by the setting for piece Groups in the “COLOR PALLET” tab

Ø - the user’s surname during the program starting.
When the user request is deactivated, the “DEFAULT” word will be written instead of the surname.
Ø - color settings for pieces. Outline – each outline has its own color, one for all pieces; Piece – each piece has its own color of the main outline (derivative outline is the same, other outlines depend on the “All outlines in one color” setting); Materials – pieces of different materials have different colors; Sizes – each piece size has its own color.
Ø - the color of the outlines in the Pieces, Materials, and Sizes modes.
“YES” button – all outlines have the same color; “NO” – each outline preserves its own color setting.
Ø - when the setting is activated, a field with the piece code will be printed in the piece specification. (Some notes can be entered here instead of the code).
Ø - an option for operation of the last action cancelling “Undo”. If this option is activated, the return action will not be possible when saving a piece to the database (
button). If it is deactivated, return is possible; the piece state at the time of its appearance to the screen is considered its initial state.
Ø - the setting for automatic closing of the open main outline when it is saved to the database.
Ø - the setting for saving pieces to the database when they are removed from the screen. If the option is activated, pieces will be saved when they are removed from the screen, if it is deactivated, they will not be saved.
Ø - display of an additional panel containing the most frequently used functions from different tabs of the program button menu (excluding screen functions). It appears on the right of the program working window.

In order to add a necessary function to the additional panel, hold the left mouse button on the button of this function, move the cursor to the panel and release the mouse button. In order to delete a button, open the additional pop-up menu with the right mouse button and select the “Delete” item (or the “Move” item to move the button).

In order to save the adjusted set of buttons, all you have to do is to open the “Parameter settings” window and save it by pressing the “SAVE” button.
Ø - the setting for saving plotter sketches in the list of the saved screens for displaying these sketches to the working window (
button of the on-screen menu).
Ø - when creating new pieces their properties (name, material, etc.) can be set at once in the “Piece parameters” window.
Ø - when this option is activated, all operations with pieces as well as creation of new pieces are memorized which enables reconstructing pieces.
Ø - an option for working with the “Database handling” window. When this option is activated, the window is closed after calling pieces to the screen. If the option is deactivated, the windows remains open, and you have to press the “CANCEL” button to exit.
Ø - considering the shrinkage ratio when drawing pieces from the “Constructor” program.
Shrinkage ratios are entered in the “Piece parameters” window for the “Layer” program. But if you need to display pieces with shrinkage when drawing design pieces, this option should be activated. On the “Constructor” screen pieces will always have their initial view, without any shrinkage.
Ø - an option for viewing pieces in the “Database handling” window: grading or one size of the piece.
Ø - “Cut visibility” locking in the piece visibility block. When working with the Cut as the main outline, there are actually 2 cut outlines on the piece: the main outline – the Operating cut, and the Cut which is dependent on it (it is output to print in layouts).These outlines always coincide except creation of modifications on the Cut in the SEAMS tab. However, these modifications can also be created right on the Operating cut (this allows avoiding limitations related to working on the derivative outline). This setting allows removing the Cut visibility from the screen and to perform all modifications of the SEAMS tab on the Operating cut outline.
When working with the Ready view main outline the option should be activated.
Ø - Display of the request when removing pieces from the screen using

Ø - an option for working with the “Shadow” outline. When the option is activated, the shadow remains even after pieces are removed from the screen. The “Shadow” can be removed using the “Outline/ Delete” function. When the option is deactivated, the “Shadow” outline exists until the pieces are removed from the screen.
Ø - the setting for selecting the compliance of materials when exporting from the older program version (the “Object/ Convert from database 3x” text menu items).
Ø - the setting for automatic deleting of incorrect constructions on the Cut outline. It serves for removing constructions (modifications) of the SEAMS tab which were destroyed due to piece structure changing from the piece. For example, when constructing, “cutting” a section in two, their names are changed, therefore constructions on these sections deleted from the system are also lost (often with logos).
Ø - this setting allows entering values for sizes and heights separately in the Table of increase as well as performing other operations as in standard size and height scales.
Ø - automatic reconstruction and deleting of leveled constructions of the SEAMS tab(
) in accordance with the basic piece
Ø - this setting refers to the possibility of correcting piece grading. Changes can be made in each size of the grading in the “All pieces” mode. After such an adjustment, changes in the set increment values are possible (and this is a norm). In the “Basic elements” mode changes can be made in the basic sizes and heights only, while the others are automatically recalculated and reconstructed based on the basic elements. Increment values do not change in this case and can be adjusted by changing the increment only.

Ø - the type of the model list sorting, set as default when selecting models in the “Database handling” window
Ø - an option of operation of the grading display function (
).The “Screen” mode – display of the grading for all pieces on the screen. “Piece” – display of the grading for one piece.
In order to call up the full piece grading, enter the grading () while holding down the <CTRL> key on the keyboard. Otherwise, a table for setting sizes of the grading will be displayed.
Ø - options for creating a BACK copy of a piece.
Automatic Back copy – retrieving of the piece in the state of its previous saving to the database.
Manual Back copy – retrieving of the piece in the state, specially saved by the constructor. - setting of operation of the line visibility and sensitivity block.
The “Piece” mode allows deactivating visibility/ sensitivity for individual pieces using the switch for working with a single or all pieces ().
In the “Screen” mode the block operation is carried out with all screen pieces only, but the buttons with deactivated visibility are highlighted
Ø - setting for selection of the main outline for the “Assemble piece” function (
) of the “CONSTRUCTING” tab and during the piece digitizing process.
Ø - the “UNDO” function (
) of the program button menu will operate in different ways, depending on this setting: either cancel the piece changes and modifications only, or screen operations (matching, rotation, moving) will be canceled as well.
Seam algebra
Ø - the form of displaying measurement and calculation results for a grading. Result only – the final result of the calculation is displayed; Sum of positive values – the measurement value with
sign and the final result are displayed; ; Sum of negative values – the measurement value with
sign and the final result are displayed.
Ø - the option for calculating the fit coefficient (D tab): division of the computational result (A tab) by the sum of positive (B tab) or negative (C tab) measurement values.
Ø - the option to calculate the difference of the basic Size and Height or Size or Height in the E tab when displaying measurement results.
“Hot” Keys
For the purpose of convenience, scaling function, piece arranging, etc. are represented by so called “Hot” keys, apart from the button and text menus. To execute a command, certain button should be pressed on the keyboard. Special key combination can be set for each user. There is a list of commands in the settings window; the keys corresponding to commands are given in the right part of the list. In order to assign a command to a key, you should select the command in the list and specify the key on the keyboard.

F1, F5,F6,F7, and F10 keys always stay locked because they are used in additional program modes.